A Little About Lactation

A Little About Lactation
A Little About Lactation

Today, young mothers are more concerned about their child's health than ever. It has become fashionable to breastfeed. This is due to the high awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding.

A little about lactation
A little about lactation

Research into how breasts lactate continues to this day. How does the milk production process take place, and what should be done to ensure that natural feeding lasts as long as possible?

The fact is that each woman's body is individual. Some have more milk volume than others. And this does not depend on the external size of the breast. That is why some mothers insist that it is quite possible to feed by the hour and insist on this method, advise their friends. Having heard the advice, other mothers are delaying the time between feedings, which, in turn, inhibits lactation, because such women should feed the baby more often - the body will not deceive.

It is also interesting that the baby's stomach adjusts to the volume of the mother's breast. Here is what Olga, a mother of two, says:

“The time when I was breastfeeding seemed endless. My daughter was hanging on her breast every half hour. Due to the need to go to work, I had to partially switch to mixed feeding. But the child did not drink even half of the prescribed norm at a time indicated on the box. as it is often impossible to feed with a mixture, I was forced to establish breastfeeding in such a way that in my absence the baby could eat expressed breast milk on demand."

One conclusion can be drawn from the above: on-demand feeding is the key to successful breastfeeding for any mother.
