If parents give little pocket money, then this situation is very difficult for any teenager. However, you can look for other sources of income or talk with the head of the family: it may be possible to increase the amount.

Pocket money is very important for a teenager, because thanks to it he learns to plan his expenses. But for some children they are given very little. In this situation, there are several ways out.
Talking to parents
In order for parents to give out more pocket money, you need to tell them about it directly. However, you do not need to stamp your feet on the floor and bang your fist on the table, you should build a dialogue. In the course of the conversation, you will need to explain the reason why they should increase the amount. You should not tell your parents that some friend or classmate is given more pocket money. This will not help, since the earnings in each family are different and, perhaps, the friend's dad gets more. Better to start the conversation in a different way.
For example, most parents reproach their children for not knowing how to handle money. So, you can ask for an increase to the existing amount in order to learn how to spend it wisely. In addition, you can agree with the parents that if in a few months they see that their child is spending money on all sorts of trifles, they will cut the amount. During this period, it will be possible to show them that not everything is so bad, and to save something. You also need to ask them from time to time about how best to deal with the money. As a result, they will see progress and, possibly, increase the amount.
Part-time job
If the conversation with the parents did not give the desired results, then you should not despair, because you can find a part-time job. However, it should not interfere with learning, otherwise the parents will be against it. Some may object, saying that it will not be easy for a student to do this, but you need to think a little, and then ideas for earning money will arise.
So, for example, you can get a job as a newspaper peddler, courier, messenger. If age and appearance allow, then it is better to go to work in an advertising agency as a promoter. As a rule, his duties include distributing advertising materials, inviting passers-by to a tasting, and so on. The pay for such work is quite high, and you only need to devote a few hours to it. You can still get a job as a model, but in this case you should have certain parameters. It will be useful to look for a job on the Internet, so, on sites for freelancers, people are often required to type texts. The main requirement here is a PC and literacy. The money is paid to an electronic wallet, which is very easy to create.