Going to the store with your child is not always convenient. Most babies get tired and overexcited. However, the most unpleasant thing for parents happens when a child begins to act up right on the trading floor, and often this behavior develops into a real hysteria.

Not all parents manage to leave their child somewhere to go shopping alone. Often, the baby has to be taken with you and at the same time be prepared for possible consequences in the form of whims, requests to buy something, or even real tantrums. Often, psychologists advise not to react to the provocative behavior of the crumbs, not to let him manipulate you. This tactic is gradually bearing fruit: children understand that it is pointless to be capricious, and sooner or later they stop behaving this way. However, this tactic requires the steely endurance of parents. In order not to waste your own nerves and not cause inconvenience to others, try several methods of dealing with the whims of children.
We agree
Agreeing with children about the rules of conduct in the store can be much earlier than it seems to many parents. This is one of the elements of proper education. The preliminary conversations will take a long time. A simple explanation of the rules of conduct at the door of the store, of course, will not have any effect. These can be early conversations about how parents make money and spend it, how adults are frustrated by the child's bad behavior in the store, how ugly children look from the outside during whims. All conversations should be conducted in a calm tone so that the baby can feel that they are being communicated with on an equal footing.
In addition, you can find or come up with fairy tales in which children are naughty in the store, and in the end everything ends badly. Games simulating such situations will be no less effective.
To prevent the child from being capricious in the store, agree with him, for example, that be sure to buy him one thing, while negotiating the price and size. If the kid is not yet versed in money, offer him a small gift yourself in advance. It is better if there is a certain choice of two or three items: so even a very small baby will feel that he has been entrusted with making a decision.
Turn shopping into a game. Give your child an “important” task: for example, helping mom find a certain product, put it in a cart, weigh it. Ask him to count how many items are already in the basket and how many are still in the shopping list. Put the child in a carriage and play with him an impromptu game "navigator-driver". By the way, from such a cart it will be worse for the baby to see the goods on the shelves.
If the child is small, prepare to go to the store in advance. Take a small bag with you, which will contain various interesting, but unfamiliar things to your baby. Many children are interested not only in toys, but also in quite adult objects. Your set of "treasures" can include anything: rubber bands, a glowing ball, an empty bottle with beads poured into it, dryers, pieces of fruit. Try to make sure that all items are from different categories: noisy, bright, edible, interesting. Give the baby all the things in turn, he can spend a few minutes studying each of them, and as a result, you will have time to calmly make purchases.