Why are so many people taking the wrong path in life? It all starts in childhood. Most often, parents are to blame, who with all their might hinder the development of some abilities in children, intensively forming completely different ones.

Abilities can be determined by physiognomic parameters. Certain signs are clearly visible on the face of each person, which indicate certain innate abilities. If you carefully consider them together, it is much easier to find the right profession.
Face shape
A round face with a high bridge of the nose, with distinctly protruding cheekbones and lively eyes informs about the organizational abilities of its owner and the desire for communication. People born with this face shape, in conjunction with the named features of the traits, can become entrepreneurs, psychologists, detectives, diplomats and translators.
A trapezoidal face with a wide forehead and a blunt chin is characteristic of artistic, sensitive intellectuals. Such people can become: designers, teachers and educators, social workers, writers.
Square face - people are harsh, straightforward, open to communication, striving for leadership and success. People with such a face can choose the profession of a politician, leader, or a major official.
A triangular face with a wide forehead, protruding cheekbones, a medium-sized nose, deep-set eyes and a small chin, speaks of undoubted talents in the field of science and art. Such people can become scientists, artists and musicians, creative managers.
An oval face is considered a sign of aristocracy and high position. Such people are created to be rulers, tourist managers, lawyers.
The diamond-shaped face belongs to the born performers. They can become military men, athletes, businessmen and financiers.
In the shape of the forehead, one can "read" a tendency towards conservatism or reformism. Conservatives have a rounded forehead. Square forehead - a person has a passion for transformation. A bumpy forehead, with numerous bulges, indicates the breadth of the imagination. If the forehead is sloping back, the person is able to think quickly and give an instant answer. If the forehead is steep, the person is able to come up with original ideas.
Ear shape can indicate many different abilities. But above all, if the outer edge of the auricle is rounded, it speaks of a person's good musical ear. Natural musicality gives a person the opportunity to become not only a performer, dancer or composer, but also successfully work in the field of sound engineering, tuners of musical instruments or study, say, the voices of birds, or even become an excellent music critic.