At an early age, children perceive visual information better. When the kid still does not know how to read and write, but is already reaching for knowledge, wants to learn new skills, pictures are perfect for classes. There are many ways to learn from drawings and photographs.

Step 1
Pay attention to the plot pictures. At the age of 2-3 years, the child is already quite capable not only of perceiving a separate object, but also of considering situational sketches. Describe who and what is drawn in front of you, where the characters are, and what they are doing. For example: children are walking near a stream. It's spring now, the sun is shining. Boys and girls launch paper boats along the stream. Children are dressed in jackets and hats. The older and more developed the child becomes, the more in-depth the picture story can be. Describe the weather, clothes, fantasize about what is hidden from the audience. For example, why the heroes ended up here, where they will go later, where they can live, and so on.
Step 2
Another task using pictures is to find and show. You can use both a plot picture and several cards, one or several of which contain the correct answers. Depending on the level of development of the baby, he may indicate that he is being asked to find, or, on the contrary, name the object that is indicated. Possible questions: who is this, where is this or that character, what the hero is holding in his hands, and so on.
Step 3
Find a shadow tasks help to understand the shape and size of objects. In front of the child there are simple drawings and their outlines, which must be correctly combined. The older the child, the more similar objects can be that need to be recognized by the shadows. The baby can also learn to compare images. For this, tasks are suitable to find a pair for a pattern or geometric figure.
Step 4
Another developmental lesson using pictures is to show what is superfluous. Take a picture with a number of objects, where all the drawings, except one, are combined according to one simple feature. For example, hare, fox, bear and cow. The child must guess that the extra one is a cow, since she is a pet, unlike the rest. If this task is still difficult for your baby, take very simple examples: 3 squares and 1 circle, 3 blue flowers and 1 red. By the way, a row of 4 subjects is the most optimal for this lesson.
Step 5
You can also teach a child to be aware of processes, causes and effects with the help of pictures. Prepare a series of pictures showing some action in sequence. Such a breakdown of pictures into steps can be found both in books and on the Internet. For example: a girl plants a small seedling, then she waters it, and in the third picture a tree grows. At the first stage, explain to the kid what is behind what is going on. Then you can divide the pictures and invite the child to determine the sequence himself, laying out the pictures in the correct order. From the same series of assignments: what is made of what, for example, an apple and juice, a tree and a table, as well as which objects match each other (paintbrush, spoon-plate).