What Temperature Should Be Brought Down In A Child

What Temperature Should Be Brought Down In A Child
What Temperature Should Be Brought Down In A Child

Fever in a child is the cause of panic for his parents. The first thing that occurs to them is to knock it down to normal, to save the child from suffering and illness. But few of the dads and mothers realize what the temperature is and what its norms are, how the readings change during the day.

What temperature should be brought down in a child
What temperature should be brought down in a child

Not only parents from different generations, but also leading specialists from the field of pediatrics, argue about the reasons for the increase in body temperature in children, its significance during illness and ways to reduce it. The doctors agreed only that high fever is a very effective remedy in the fight against viruses and bacteria that cause colds and infectious diseases. In addition, temperature is a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the human body. But to bring it down or not, only a doctor can decide.

When you need to bring down the temperature of a child

The child's temperature is knocked down when it gives him inconvenience, suffering. Parents should understand that it is not a fever that makes their daughter or son sick, but a causative agent, virus or infection. By raising the temperature, the body fights off foreign antibodies that are trying to harm it.

The indicators of the mercury column of the thermometer within 38, 5 ° C are not dangerous for the lives of children and trying to bring them down, to lower them, means to render the immune system a disservice. If the child feels quite comfortable and plays, then there is no need to give him antipyretic drugs until the doctor arrives. But it is imperative to call a doctor in order to find out the reason for the rise in temperature and determine the methods of treating the baby.

How to bring down the temperature in children

To reduce the temperature in children under 12 years old, as a rule, two active substances are used - these are "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen". Which drug and with what amount of this or that antipyretic substance should be used in each specific case, only a medical specialist can choose. In no case should you base your choice on the advice and experience of friends, neighbors, grandmothers.

The form of release of the antipyretic drug is also prescribed by the doctor after examining the child and in accordance with his age and disease. For children under the age of 3, it is most often recommended to use the so-called suppositories, which are inserted into the anus and do not harm the digestive system. They are also convenient when the child has a sore throat or simply refuses to take syrups and pills. Syrups and tablets are suitable for older children, when the child is already aware of what needs to be done, that this or that action will bring him relief.

The wisdom of using a particular drug, its dosage and frequency of use are determined by the doctor. A child's body is fundamentally different from an adult, each child is individual and can react to the drug in the most unexpected way. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable!
