How To Bring Down The Temperature Of A Child: The Opinion Of Dr. Komarovsky

How To Bring Down The Temperature Of A Child: The Opinion Of Dr. Komarovsky
How To Bring Down The Temperature Of A Child: The Opinion Of Dr. Komarovsky

A child's temperature gives parents a lot of anxiety. They try to alleviate the baby's condition as quickly as possible by using available means to lower the thermometer readings. Dr. Komarovsky advises to adhere to the rules to determine when to bring down the temperature in a child and how to do it correctly.

Following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky helps to alleviate the child's condition at a high temperature
Following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky helps to alleviate the child's condition at a high temperature

According to the famous doctor Komarovsky, parents should not immediately grab onto antipyretic drugs. Heat should be knocked down only if it reaches critical levels (39 degrees and above). An exception is children who are prone to febrile seizures or babies who do not tolerate an increase in body temperature poorly.

Contrary to popular belief, heat is beneficial for the body. High thermometer readings are a response to inflammation. By raising the temperature, the child's body is actively fighting viruses and microbes. The production of a natural health protector, interferon, begins.

Komarovsky is of the opinion that the disease, in which the temperature was actively reduced, will last longer. By knocking down the thermometer indicators, parents alleviate the condition, but rid the body of natural defenses and the subsequent development of immunity.

When a temperature occurs in a child, Komarovsky suggests that parents adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Give your child more drinks. Boiled water, tea, unsweetened compote will do. Drinking frequently can help keep you hydrated. Also, viruses that cause inflammation are excreted from the body along with the fluid.
  • Do not use rubbing alcohol or vinegar. Doctors consider them harmful to the child's body. Poisonous vapors can get inside, further aggravating the baby's condition.
  • Provide cool indoor air. The optimum temperature is +16 - + 18 degrees. This is a good physiological way to lower your baby's temperature. In this case, the baby's clothes should be quite warm in order to prevent hypothermia.
  • Ventilate the room periodically. Fresh air makes breathing easier, reduces the concentration of pathogenic microbes.

If necessary, give the baby an antipyretic drug Komarovsky recommends using medicines based on paracetamol. They are well established as a means of reducing fever in viral infections. It is convenient for babies to use paracetamol in the form of candles, syrup is suitable for older children.

If the child's temperature lasts for more than three days, cold symptoms join it: cough, runny nose, Dr. Komarovsky advises to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
