Happy Breastfeeding Is Not A Myth

Happy Breastfeeding Is Not A Myth
Happy Breastfeeding Is Not A Myth

For the first month, a breastfed baby's mouth practically does not close. Yes, this is his main task - to eat and sleep. This is especially true for large children - even after birth, they continue to actively eat, as in the womb of a mother.

Happy breastfeeding is not a myth
Happy breastfeeding is not a myth

Breastfeeding secrets are very simple, but they work:

  • We feed the baby only at his request! In about 2-3 months, the child will rebuild himself to his stable regime.
  • Do not try to eat "for two", but be sure to drink "for two": at least 2 liters a day of warm liquid (compotes, teas, juices, rose hips, just water). Green tea often helps (milk tea is even better). But people with low blood pressure need to be careful with green tea.
  • Be sure to drink a glass of liquid 10 minutes before feeding and immediately after.
  • Sleeping together and feeding at night does their job - in the morning, milk flow is guaranteed.
  • In the shower, you can run a little jets of hot water.
  • When a baby is frightened, upset, or has a cold, feed him as often as possible, milk arrives even faster.
  • You need to try to feed from a different breast each time (so that it flows equally into both). Even if at times it seems that there is almost no milk in one breast, continue feeding from it in turn, and everything will return to normal.
  • Breast massage helps to establish breastfeeding very much - you need to rub the entire breast very hard (starting from under the collarbone and around the chest) - this is how all the mammary glands that can be clogged are opened. It is better if your husband, mother will do such a massage for you (it is advisable to rub it also before each feeding).
  • Until 3 months, do not give the child water or other liquid (except for dill water, if gas is tormented), and more often apply to the chest.
  • Do not worry and do not overwork! You can't change everything and you can't fix the world, and your main task is to raise a strong man for the good of the Fatherland.

Milk doesn't always come right away - so get ready for a couple of tough days right away. But the bottom line is worth it! Breastfed babies are stronger, healthier, and their bond with their mother is more stable. Especially breastfeeding is necessary for children whose parents are allergic, since the longer the mother breastfeeds such a baby, the longer the baby receives antibodies, and can generally avoid allergic manifestations.

Well, breastfeeding helps mom to recover in shape - the baby will take the extra calories. And during lactation, you will not eat any chemistry, which will also benefit your figure and health. In addition, you will feel truly happy when you feed. the cunning hormone of happiness is also intensively produced during lactation.
