Male Loyalty: Myth Or Reality?

Male Loyalty: Myth Or Reality?
Male Loyalty: Myth Or Reality?

Loyalty was appreciated at all times, but for some reason it was tacitly recognized that this quality, first of all, is inherent in a woman. In speech - a storehouse of folk philosophy - there is a very clear difference in attitudes towards female and male promiscuity in relationships.

Male loyalty: myth or reality?
Male loyalty: myth or reality?

If a woman who does not remain faithful to her husband or lover is called expressions that are usually called "unprintable", then the rumor is much more loyal to a man who behaves in the same way. He is called with some irony, but still condescendingly: "walker", "reveler". One of the most negative expressions, "male" - although it has a dismissive and condemning shade, it still cannot be compared with the epithets that are awarded to an unfaithful lady.

There is an opinion that a man is allegedly unable to remain faithful due to his masculine nature. But is it?

Myth 1. Men are polygamous, women are monogamous

It is believed that a man is by nature polygamous, i.e. able to have sexual intercourse with different partners, unlike a woman, whose loyalty is determined by nature.

In fact this is not true. Men and women are creatures of the same species, therefore it is not worth talking about such a striking difference in their "nature". Monogamous creatures are physically unable to form a new pair after the death or loss of a partner, and this is a general rule.

Only the flatworm, Diplozoon paradoxum (paradoxical spine), does not commit treason. Partners meet at a young age, and their bodies merge into a single organism criss-cross.

In humans, there are only isolated cases of such constancy.

So, a person, regardless of his gender, is polygamous. But a woman really has more reasons to remain faithful to her partner, however, they lie more in the social plane. The woman gives birth to children and is interested in having her partner take care of the children with her. And this will happen more likely if he is sure that these are his descendants, i.e. it is beneficial for a woman to remain faithful.

If, for example, a woman is infertile or confident in the method of contraception that she uses, economically and socially independent, she has all the prerequisites for polygamous behavior on an equal basis with a man.

Myth 2. Physiologically, a man is not capable of abstinence

Another common opinion: a man, due to physiological reasons, is not able to remain faithful if, due to circumstances, he does not have physical contact with his beloved for a long time. This is also only partially true. The reality is that with long abstinence in men, the so-called Tarkhanov phenomenon is observed, when seminal fluid accumulates, requiring an exit, and the man's attraction increases many times over.

But if sexual release does not occur for a long time, then another mechanism comes into play (Belov's phenomenon), in which the activity of the male sex glands decreases, and sexual desires no longer bother the man. When normal sex life is restored, the tone of the testes returns to normal.

The phenomena of Tarkhanov and Belov balance each other, allowing to regulate the sexual functions of a man.

Thus, a man, just like a woman, is quite capable of being faithful to the one he loves. Of course, if he really values his relationship and does not allow instincts to prevail over will and reason.
