What Measures To Take If A Child Has Colic

What Measures To Take If A Child Has Colic
What Measures To Take If A Child Has Colic

Every second child in the first month of life has problems with the digestive system. All mothers are familiar with such problems in the form of colic. To prevent colic in a child from becoming a nightmare for the whole family, it is necessary to carry out prevention. What does it consist in?

What measures to take if the child has colic?
What measures to take if the child has colic?

Prevention of colic

When breastfeeding, it is important to monitor the nutrition, carefully form the diet. As a rule, it is sufficient to reduce or eliminate the use of spicy foods containing caffeine, chocolate, cow's milk, especially fatty ones, and onions. Not infrequently, increased gas formation appears in a child after the mother has eaten sweets or smoked meats. They must be excluded from the diet.

When a baby is bottle-fed, you should be very careful when choosing a mixture for him. It is better to do this together with the pediatrician on an individual basis. Even the emotional state affects the well-being of the child, therefore it is very important that each feeding takes place in a calm environment, familiar and familiar to him.

First aid for colic

The first thing that helps with colic well is a light massage. It must be done after the palms are warmed up. It is necessary to stroke the tummy only clockwise. With increased gas formation, it is necessary to put the baby on his back and squeeze the legs one by one. A warm diaper, which is applied to the tummy, will also help reduce painful sensations.

If the child is regularly put on his tummy, this will help not only to train the abdominal muscles, but also to relieve him of colic later. Many experts recommend using a flue gas tube to reduce gas and soreness. Hands should be thoroughly washed, and the tip should be smeared with petroleum jelly, and then inserted at a distance of no more than 3 cm. After the gases have gone away, it is necessary to wash the child.

Medicines to fight colic

Regarding the use of medications to eliminate discomfort, it is better to talk with a specialist, a local pediatrician. A sufficient number of them are offered on the market today. This is dill water - plantex, and baby-kalm, and espumizan, and infacol.

The doctor will help you not only to find the right product, but also to establish the required dosage. An appeal to a specialist is also necessary in order to establish precisely: the cause of crying is precisely in colic, and not in something else. Sometimes it happens that the baby, being artificially fed, suffers from constipation, then an individual course of treatment is needed, the choice of a different mixture. Colic medications will be useless here.
