After birth, the baby's digestive system continues to develop for some time, both in functional terms and in terms of microflora. Due to underdeveloped glands and the muscular layer of the intestines, spasms and gas are often produced, causing bloating and colic. To help your baby get rid of them, you need to know certain symptoms.

Step 1
Firm belly. One of the causes of intestinal colic in children is a large accumulation of gas. This may be due to overeating and enzymatic deficiency, i.e. enzymes are able to break down only a certain amount of incoming food. An excess of food causes the process of fermentation and gas formation. This is immediately noticeable in the belly. It becomes hard to the touch.
Step 2
Shrill scream. Spasmodic contraction of the intestines is usually painful and the child reacts to this with strong, piercing crying, which cannot be soothed by anything. With a spasm of smooth muscles, colic can occur for quite a long time (up to 3 hours), and their onset can be both during and between meals. Such colic is especially susceptible to babies in the first 4 months of life.
Step 3
Tense abdominal muscles and pulling the legs towards it. With colic, the baby reflexively draws the legs to the stomach. This is a kind of reaction to pain, and it is also typical for adults.
Step 4
Decreased appetite. Often, with intestinal colic, children refuse to eat, or are reluctant to eat. In this case, in order to distinguish intestinal colic from air entering the stomach, it is enough to observe the baby while eating. As soon as he starts groaning, dodging and crying while eating, hold him with a column. If, after regurgitation or belching with air, he calms down and starts eating, then this is not colic.