Often infants suffer from colic - this is pain in the abdomen, arising from the unformed children's digestive system, its adaptation to new food.

Step 1
Intestinal colic can occur quite unexpectedly in the first weeks of a child's life, accompanied by his restless behavior, and in some cases loud crying. For parents, this is one of the most difficult periods, because the baby can practically not sleep, eat poorly and scream for several hours without a break.
Step 2
Colic usually starts from 2-3 weeks of a child's life and lasts up to 3-4 months. For some, they are clearly expressed and happen every day, someone is only a little restless, but some do not even know what it is. There are several reasons for their appearance and are mainly associated with the fact that the child's body is not yet accustomed to external conditions. Everything is new for a child: food, water, air, the world around him.
Step 3
To try to reduce the manifestation of colic, you must strictly monitor your diet - when breastfeeding, exclude all gas-forming foods from the diet. If the baby eats a mixture, you must carefully approach its choice. At the same time, the price is not always a priority, since one may suit one, and the other - completely different, then as luck would have it, you will immediately find your own, or you will have to try the entire range.
Step 4
Swallowing air, improper feeding position can also cause pain in the baby. In this case, the correct feeding bottles, carrying the baby upright after eating, periodically laying it on the tummy and gentle massage clockwise will help - before doing it, read or review the recommendations of the doctors.
Step 5
If the child cries a lot and does not calm down for several hours, it is worth calling an ambulance to rule out other diseases. It is necessary to pass tests for dysbacteriosis, lactose deficiency, oviduct. in this case, special treatment is needed. If all is well, and the doctor has confirmed that it is colic, then to relieve the symptoms, you can give the baby herbal children's tea with fennel, chamomile, and brew dill water. Medicines also help well: "Espumisan", "Bobotik", "Bebinos", etc., but, unfortunately, not for everyone. For some children, no drugs work, you just have to be patient and wait. Usually after 3 months everything goes away.