Sleep is essential for people. Some people prefer to sleep not only at night, but during the day. But for children, daytime sleep is not just desirable, but rather mandatory.

The role of sleep in child development
Sleep is essential for a child's rest and recuperation, which is vital for healthy growth and the recovery of the nervous system. Sleep helps the baby to comprehend the information received during the day and to process it. Parents should not forget that only if all the necessary conditions are met, including the condition of continuous and restful sleep, the full development of the child is possible.
These conditions are important not only for night sleep, but also for daytime.
The value of daytime sleep and the age at which you can skip it
Any adult, when mentioning his childhood, will surely remember how his parents forced him to sleep during the day, and how he did not want to do this, but now he regrets that it is impossible to turn back the clock.
With regards to age, a 2-hour sleep in the daytime is needed for a child under 6 years old. The younger the age, the greater the need to sleep during the day. For example, a baby sleeps 18 hours, one-year-old babies - 14 hours, at 5 years old, a child gives sleep 11 hours, and at 6 years old - 10 hours.
And only by the age of seven, the child's body can sleep only at night (monophasic sleep). Of course, this does not mean that all children of 7 years old do not sleep during the day. For a long time they still have a need for daytime sleep, which is especially manifested during the period of illness.
If the child does not sleep during the day, then soon it will manifest itself in his excessive excitability, rapid fatigue, frequent colds, delayed physical and mental development.
It should be noted that lack of sleep changes the emotions of children - they perceive positive events less joyfully, and negative ones much worse than they really are.
The position of parents is incorrect and erroneous, who mistakenly believe that if a child does not sleep during the day, then at night he will fall asleep faster and sleep will be stronger. The mistake is that a child will be overworked without sleep, and as a result, the process of falling asleep may take a long time, nightmares will dream at night. This is how the work of an overloaded brain affects.
For parents of children who sleep and do not sleep during the day, there is only one rule: an hour and a half before bedtime during the day, with the child you need to play a game of a calm nature, which activates the thought process. This will calm the baby, which will contribute to a normal rest.
The most important rule for all parents is to see a person in their child, then he will obey his parents and respect their wishes.