What To Do If Your Child Does Not Sleep Well At Night

What To Do If Your Child Does Not Sleep Well At Night
What To Do If Your Child Does Not Sleep Well At Night

Healthy sleep is very important for your baby's health and development. It is also necessary for the baby's mother to rest and recuperate for the daily troubles and care of the child. When the baby does not sleep well at night, he often wakes up, groans, both suffer - both the baby and his mother.

What to do if your child does not sleep well at night
What to do if your child does not sleep well at night

Babies are not born with established rhythms of wakefulness and sleep; their formation occurs in newborns gradually. When caring for a baby, parents can observe several major stages of his life. A baby from birth to six months does not feel the difference between night and day, he sleeps 14-18 hours a day.

At first, the baby has a 90-minute cycle of wakefulness and sleep. A short interval of deep, sound sleep is replaced by a phase of shallow sleep, during which the baby can easily wake up. Therefore, after the baby has fallen asleep, do not turn on the TV, try to talk more quietly and move around the apartment. After all, his sleep from time to time becomes very shallow and sensitive, any sounds can wake him up during the surface phase. Watch what else can wake your baby: the noise of cars or other extraneous sounds on the street. In this case, move his crib to another room (if its windows face the quieter side), or move it away from the window if this is not possible.

Make sure that the baby does not overheat and freeze at night, maybe he wakes up often for these reasons. To make it easier for the baby to sleep, the mattress in his crib should not be very soft.

As the baby grows up, the deep sleep phases become longer, and the shallow phase - shorter, so the baby gets used to sleep soundly for more time. At the age of six months, he is able to sleep soundly and soundly all night. If by this time the crumbs have already established a daily wakefulness and sleep regime, you should not wake the sleeping baby in order to feed him (even if the feeding time has already come). Otherwise, due to a violation of the biological clock, a malfunction in the baby's daily regimen may occur.

A baby aged six months and older makes a huge leap in his development: he begins to sit down, crawl, take the first steps, walk, talk. The baby's nervous system sometimes does not cope with such rapid changes, and the baby sleeps restlessly at night. To help the baby sleep well, put him in the evening at the same time, after washing, dressing, lullaby or bedtime stories. Set your baby's crib to be only for sleeping: let the baby play elsewhere. Turn on a dim night light in your baby's room. If the baby wakes up, he will see a familiar environment and objects: this will help him fall asleep again with a restful sleep.
