The child's literary abilities will give him the opportunity not only to easily and quickly cope with school assignments, but also help him grow up as an interesting creative person.

Literary ability is, first of all, the ability to think creatively. In order for a child to learn to write stories, fairy tales or poems, as well as to fall in love with literature and get carried away with reading, it is necessary to develop in him the ability to think outside the box.
Do all children have creativity?
Psychologists and child development specialists differ on this issue. Some researchers of the creative abilities of children are sure that such skills in babies are formed only thanks to parents who are constantly engaged in the development of the child.
Another part of the researchers is inclined to believe that only those children who initially have special inclinations and predispositions inherent in nature usually become creative personalities. Such children are more inquisitive, able to receive direct vivid images and impressions from everything around them and are inclined to analyze and systematize information.
The opinions of both groups of specialists agree on one thing: creativity must be developed.
At what age do you need to develop creativity?
To begin the development of the necessary qualities in a child, which will subsequently help him turn into a creative person, the earliest age is suitable. Scientists have proven that skills developed from infancy to five years of age have the strongest impact on the further development of a child.
If you start working with a baby at an early age, the experience gained will remain with him in the process of growing up, and gradually, under the influence of new knowledge and the direct application of your abilities in practice, the child will form the necessary qualities inherent in a creative personality.
How to develop a child's literary ability?
In order for a child to learn to compose stories and fairy tales, memorize poetry well and think figuratively, it is necessary to regularly conduct classes with him.
Read literature aloud to him often, and then ask to retell what you heard orally or in writing (depending on the child's age). Ask your child to tell you about the plot of his favorite cartoon and analyze the behavior of his characters.
Board games that develop ingenuity, memory and imagination are well suited for the development of imaginative thinking and logic. Even the smallest children enjoy playing these games. Today, there are many special sites with online educational games that can be played by children who have mastered computer skills.
Another way to train and develop your imagination is through simple association games. Ask your child to choose words that he associates with a certain thing or phenomenon. You can also show your child a picture and ask him to come up with a story based on it.
Give your child creative tasks at home and on the street more often, since in kindergartens and schools, the curriculum is not designed to develop outside the box thinking. While walking in the park, ask your toddler to think of what ducks floating in a pond or birds sitting in the crown of a tree are talking about. When you get home, give your child the task to remember and describe everything that you saw during the walk today.
You can come up with interesting tasks that will help develop creativity from anywhere. Teach your kid to see big in small things, and small in big ones, and then he will definitely grow up as an interesting personality.