6 Things Men Hate About Single Women

6 Things Men Hate About Single Women
6 Things Men Hate About Single Women

Prolonged loneliness leaves an imprint on the behavior of both sexes. And building relationships with a strong independent woman, a man, at times, is not much easier than a lady to drag a bachelor down the aisle. On this love front, there are completely different rules of the game, and some moments of the behavior of a typical loner can cause, if not hatred, then certainly persistent irritation in her gentleman.

6 things men hate about single women
6 things men hate about single women

They don't need men


Of course, a lonely lady wants male attention, communication, love. However, she absolutely does not need a man to solve problems. Such a woman has learned to be self-sufficient, so she knows how to get whatever she wants without outside help. The stronger sex, this fact, of course, is annoying. After all, men want to feel needed. They like it if a woman asks to fix the outlet or change the oil in the car. Such help gives a sense of self-worth. A man believes that only he can solve the problems of his partner, and without him she definitely cannot cope.


But that's not how single women behave. They are resourceful and have long been accustomed to not counting on the stronger sex. Therefore, they do an excellent job with both the outlet and the oil change on their own. At least such ladies have the opportunity to pay for these services if they do not know how to work with their hands. Even if a single woman has a permanent friend, she will not run to him for salvation at the slightest problem, because she is used to relying only on herself. Perhaps the lady will not even remember about her man at this moment, thereby inflicting a painful blow on his pride. Especially when he offers help and gets a polite refusal in return. Therefore, convinced bachelors need to learn, at least sometimes part with their independence and involve gentlemen in solving personal problems.

They make men feel stupid


Men like to feel smarter. Most of them like the role of a teacher and mentor in relationships, and the feeling of their own righteousness and competence in any matter pleasantly warms their pride. In principle, every person likes it when he is right, and many are ready to defend their position in all possible ways. But a single woman usually has a certain amount of maturity and intelligence. And she is not ready to enthusiastically listen to every word of a potential partner. Seeing his mistakes, such a lady, most likely, will not hesitate to point out them. And next to her, a man very soon begins to feel inferior or stupid. It is clear that this feeling cannot be pleasant to anyone. And it is especially difficult for the stronger sex to get used to the idea that a woman is somehow smarter. Therefore, this issue turns out to be a serious problem on the way of building relationships with loners.

They do not close their eyes to male misconduct

Women accustomed to loneliness will not put up with the serious misconduct of their potential boyfriends. As a rule, when entering into a relationship, they clearly know what they want and expect from men. In turn, such ladies are ready to honestly tell about themselves, without wasting time walking in roundabout ways. Perhaps they will immediately voice those boundaries beyond which it is unacceptable for them to go. After all, it is easier for them to open all the cards at once than to settle for less or put up with some situations. Moreover, the loneliness of independent women is not scary. And if a partner violates the stated framework, he may be given a second chance to correct, but they will definitely not tolerate further neglect.

They are financially independent


The financial security of a beloved woman is one of the opportunities for a man to feel his own importance. However, the times when representatives of the stronger sex earned disproportionately more are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Now women, with intelligence, hard work and talent, are quite capable of occupying leadership positions and receiving high salaries. Therefore, they are no longer looking for someone who will provide them with material support, make a generous gift or pay bills. After all, a convinced loner is able to do all this on her own. But if she does not need money - the main weapon of influence on the weaker sex - the man is lost and does not know what else to offer to his beloved, which she cannot get herself.

They don't waste time

Single women tend to know what they want. They are not ready for long games or competitions for male attention. This can annoy those men who have not fully decided on their goals and intentions. Such straightforwardness is perceived by them as pressure and a desire to speed up the relationship. However, a single independent woman is simply not ready to spend time on someone whose goals do not coincide with her ideas. Perhaps, in the life of a lady, there was already a similar experience, and more than one. And now she has come to the conclusion that she will build relationships only with those who do not fool their heads in vain, see her as a person and are ready to become a faithful ally on the way to achieving common goals.

They do not view men as the main indicator of happiness


If a woman has achieved financial independence, then emotionally she also learned not to listen to other people's opinions. Most likely, it has long since become clear to her that having a man nearby is not the main indicator of happiness and success. Of course, compliments, approval and attention of the stronger sex are pleasant to any lady, but deep down she herself knows that she is good and smart. Overcoming life obstacles on her own, a woman has every right to be proud of herself. These are the realities of the modern world. And if a convinced bachelor ever wants to part with her independent status, she will definitely be moved by real feelings, and not by mercantile calculation or other people's prejudices.
