A relationship can end for a variety of reasons. However, there are some types of women that men just run away from. To avoid repeating their mistakes, learn how not to behave with a guy.

Demanding woman
There are women who make too many demands and claims to their partner. They want their chosen one to be attentive, economic, while making good money and always being there when needed. The hopes of the fair sex for a meeting with a suitable man are understandable. It is not clear why they are not looking for the young man they need, but are trying to remake their partner. Unable to withstand such pressure, a man can run away from an overly demanding girl.
This also includes very capricious women. They have many expectations from life, and they are going to realize some of their dreams with the hands of their man. Such girls demand everything at once, and then they can change their minds. Living with such a lady means being in constant tension and thinking what she wants today.
Mischievous woman
Some modern men themselves know how to do almost everything around the house. Other guys need a woman's hand to maintain comfort and order. But, probably, both categories of young people are looking for such a quality as thriftiness in their woman. This does not mean that they want to turn the girl into a housekeeper. It's just that men expect their partner to treat them with her culinary masterpieces and amaze them with their ability to transform the interior of the apartment.
Perhaps these are the costs of society. However, stereotypes are to blame or not, men can run away from women who do not keep their apartment clean and do not want to cook at all. Therefore, girls who want to get married should develop their homeliness. Otherwise, the union may break about the harsh life.
Some women who are concerned about their career development may have problems in their personal life. The fact is that sometimes men avoid business girls. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, careerists sometimes become somewhat tough, categorical, rude and lose their femininity. This is due to the need to survive in the world of businessmen and work their way up the career ladder.
Secondly, girls who are pursuing their own careers may have very little time for a partner. Of course, a man doesn’t like to feel in second place or even completely abandoned. Thirdly, success in the professional sphere is often accompanied by material well-being. If a man earns several times less than a girl, he may be uncomfortable. Business women should find the optimal balance between work and personal life and not advertise their high income for the time being.