A breakup is always a painful and often inevitable ending in a dead-end relationship. Sooner or later, one of the partners must express an obvious thought, even if it is very difficult to lose a loved one, and the future seems impossible without him. If you consider yourself a stronger partner in a relationship, prepare mentally and speak first.

Step 1
Make an appointment. Better not to talk about serious matters by phone or chat. Written and distance messages are perceived abstracted from the speaker and therefore do not seem so serious.
Step 2
Explain to yourself in front of the mirror why you want to break up. Rate your words and the weight of the arguments. Maybe there are no reasons for the breakup, but there is just a crisis, like any couple? Or just a resolvable conflict that is nevertheless worth discussing?
If the conflict is insoluble, say it again.
Step 3
During the meeting, wait until you are alone. Repeat your arguments. Clarify that you do not intend to resolve the conflict and you are absolutely not satisfied with the state of affairs. Tell them bluntly that you want to end the relationship. Don't promise to remain friends, and don't give any reason to think that the relationship might resume. To do this, give both your voice and your posture confidence and firmness. It will be very difficult, but make an effort.
Step 4
After speaking, it is better not to continue the meeting. Say goodbye and leave. Don't promise to call or otherwise. Henceforth, in any conversations, do not mention either a past relationship or the reasons for the breakup. It would be better to refrain from communicating with an abandoned man for a while.