No matter how people love each other, difficult moments periodically come in family life. Relationship problems are called crises. You need to know in advance about possible difficulties and try to smooth out conflicts so that the family does not break up.

The first problems in the family arise after a year of living together. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for two different people to get used to each other and to other people's habits. The romance that accompanies the beginning of a relationship has remained in the past, it has been replaced by everyday life. It is difficult for both a man and a woman to get out of the habit of passionate kisses, carelessness and falling in love. It is good if, even after the wedding, the newlyweds try to maintain a flame of passion in the relationship. If life's difficulties, work and everyday life completely absorb the lovers, then conflicts are inevitable. The accumulated fatigue from daily duties and monotony will one day spill out. At this moment, you need to try to find a compromise, otherwise everything may end in parting.
The next crisis is associated with the appearance of a child in the family. Even if the baby was desired and planned, his birth will somehow turn the usual way of life. A man, by nature, cannot treat a child like a woman, because the father and the baby are more socially connected, so a young mother needs to be prepared for the fact that her husband may be afraid of new responsibilities. If a woman cares for a child alone, then she will not have enough strength for love, especially since no one canceled household chores. In this regard, a man will feel deeply abandoned and lonely. This will provoke even greater detachment and anger. In this case, one can only hope for male pride. Tell your husband that you will take care of the baby, but you trust only him in upbringing and development. Explain this by the fact that only a real man is able to raise a good person, which is why you are counting on help.
If the appearance of a child did not destroy the family, then the next time conflicts will arise about 6-7 years after the wedding. At this moment, feelings turn into a habit, interest in each other disappears, and sex life becomes a rare monotony. Often during this period, someone has a mistress or lover. A person strives for a feeling of love, new emotions and self-importance. If love in the family has not passed, it is necessary to deal with these problems and urgently make innovations in the relationship: change the environment, go on a romantic trip, pleasantly surprise your loved one by changing your own image. The most important thing in this case is to return the acuity of feelings.
The next problem in the family arises with the onset of a midlife crisis in a man. He wants to feel young and attractive. Therefore, your husband may begin to assert himself at the expense of other women. If you do not consider sex from the perspective of treason, then just calmly go through this time, soon the man will calm down. But if this is unacceptable for you in your family, then the only thing that will help to avoid this problem is the re-ignited passion in your couple. But keep in mind that such a period occurs in the life of almost any man and perhaps you just need to close your eyes to this.
Practically the last problem of a spontaneous nature in the family arises when children grow up and go into adulthood. Parents feel abandoned, unnecessary, the main meaning of their life together disappears. If you do not find common ground and common interests at this moment, there is a high probability that both husband and wife will begin to seek consolation elsewhere.
However, such definitions do not necessarily fit every married couple. There are many people who know how to smooth out conflicts at the stage of their maturation, or perhaps a man and a woman understand each other perfectly. And there are families that break up much more often, then people begin to live together again and can continue this spirit for many years. In any case, be aware of the possible dangers and try to avoid them.