Men tend to break up more easily than women because they break up their emotional attachment more quickly to the person with whom they were close. This is due to the fact that they already have some experience behind them, even if it happened in childhood. It is about intimacy with the mother, which is lost by 5-7 years of age.

In fact, you often see men who are suffering from severe depression, eating a large block of ice cream to a tearful movie, or crying in the company of their friends. You do not see such things, simply because in the harsh male world it is not customary to do so. A man is considered a stronger sex, who is ready to turn into a ram's horn any attack, even such as parting with his beloved woman. From childhood, boys are taught that in no case should they cry, otherwise they will turn into real girls with pigtails.
Still, there are male representatives who can burst into tears, not contain their emotions in public, but they will not be of interest to us. After all, we will not consider them courageous. Is it possible to go to the ends of the world with a man ready to burst into tears from looking at a cute puppy? We ourselves make them such callous silent people, because any emotion will be perceived as a weak point. The stronger sex does not like to show their weak points in public, especially in the female audience.
We have already figured out the fact that men are able to perfectly manage their emotions. So how do we know about whether your ex-husband or lover is going through a breakup, because he is trying with all his might to achieve the resemblance to an indifferent rock. The truth is that he will never show you his pain, because it is tantamount to admitting his own weakness.
A man in whom this relationship was far from the first has already gained some experience. He even developed his own system to heal the "wounded" soul. In addition, friends, as best they can, will try to dispel it and switch to another passion. Women, on the other hand, will sort out all the moments with their friend and talk for a long time about their former love. How can they quickly switch to another person if they savor the separation, not allowing themselves to forget a single detail. Sometimes, from the outside, you might think that they are just enjoying their own tears and pain, like a masochist.
A man is unlikely to agree to such a pastime, even if in fact he feels severe pain from the loss of his beloved. It is easier for him to be alone with this problem, even a close friend will not always know about his real feelings.