What Sensations In The Abdomen Should Be During Pregnancy

What Sensations In The Abdomen Should Be During Pregnancy
What Sensations In The Abdomen Should Be During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyful event that many are looking forward to. During this period, the body begins to rebuild in order to bear a healthy child. Counting every day, the woman is waiting for the first signals from the baby. And very often, at the earliest stages of development, physiological processes in the body are mistaken for the long-awaited first movement.

What sensations in the abdomen should be during pregnancy
What sensations in the abdomen should be during pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy

When very little time passes from the moment of conception, you can notice the first changes in the body. The mammary glands swell, the abdomen over the groin becomes dense. This state resembles the state of health during the menstrual cycle.

At about the 3rd week of pregnancy, a woman may experience headaches, mood swings, toxicosis, lack of appetite, or, conversely, its increase. Within ten weeks, on an ultrasound examination, for the first time, you can see the legs, arms, nose and ears of the future baby.

Symptoms of toxicosis become less pronounced at 12 weeks. On the abdomen, a dark stripe is visible from the pubic region upwards. The long-awaited movement occurs at 16 weeks of gestation. A woman can feel weak, non-periodic tremors in her stomach.

Second half of pregnancy

At 20 weeks, the uterus enlarges and begins to rise. There is a clear increase in the size of the abdomen. A woman sometimes feels a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen, called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are short-lived.

With the growth of the baby, the woman's weight gradually increases. Already at 26 weeks, the child's movements are felt, not only by the woman herself, but also by her loved ones, putting a hand to her stomach.

During these stages of pregnancy, the skin on the belly is stretched and the woman may feel the urge to scratch her belly. It is not recommended to do this, stretch marks may form. Better to lubricate your belly with moisturizer or baby oil.

From week 30 onwards, chest and hip severity may be present. The child turns upside down and rests its legs against the mother's ribs.

Already at 34 weeks of gestation, a woman can clearly determine what the baby is pushing inside - with an elbow or knee. Her face, legs and arms begin to swell. Due to the high stress on the kidneys, it is recommended to drink less fluids. Gymnastics in the knee-elbow position is very effective. With it, the kidneys are resting, and the muscles of the lower back relax.

After 36 weeks, the uterus descends and breathes easier. There may be a feeling of expansion of the hip region - the body begins to prepare for childbirth. A child at this time is considered almost full-term. During this period, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements and stress, so as not to provoke premature birth.

Natural childbirth usually begins after 40 weeks, so you need to listen to any changes in the body in order to be ready for this joyful event - the birth of a baby.
