What To Do If The Lower Abdomen "pulls" During Pregnancy

What To Do If The Lower Abdomen "pulls" During Pregnancy
What To Do If The Lower Abdomen "pulls" During Pregnancy

Discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are frequent occurrences that are not always a cause for concern. However, any changes in her health can be perceived by a pregnant woman as a threat to the health of the unborn baby. That is why it is important to know the cause of the discomfort so that unnecessary worries do not harm yourself and the child or consult a doctor in time and avoid negative consequences.

What to do, if
What to do, if

When pain is not dangerous

Mild pulling pains are common in early pregnancy. This may be due to the stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the growing uterus, as well as the enlargement and stretching of the uterus itself and the pressure it exerts on nearby internal organs. In this case, it is better to just wait, limiting physical activity for a while - soon the pain will go away by itself.

Another common cause of pain is intestinal problems common to many expectant mothers. Due to hormonal changes, intestinal function is disrupted, constipation becomes more frequent, and bloating is possible. This condition is exacerbated by improper or irregular eating habits. You can get rid of constipation and the discomfort caused by them by reviewing your own diet and including more vegetables, fruits, cereals from whole grains, and fermented milk products in it. Physical activity will also benefit - walking, swimming, yoga for pregnant women.

In late pregnancy, pulling pain and sensations of "hardening" in the lower abdomen can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity. In this case, special treatment is rarely required, however, excessive physical activity is not necessary - hypertonicity quickly passes at rest. It is important to avoid stress and nervous tension.

With the approach of labor, training contractions may begin - weak pulling pains, indicating the beginning of preparation of the uterus for childbirth.

It's time to see a doctor

The pain may not be related to pregnancy at all. Since bearing a child is to a certain extent stressful for the body, exacerbations of chronic diseases, including gynecological ones, are frequent during this period. Often pregnant women suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases.

In the event of an exacerbation or the first manifestation of a disease not related to pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. Emergency help is needed with an increase in pain, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, and an increase in temperature.

Pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge, is a reason to call emergency help, regardless of the gestational age. Severe persistent pain, the intensity of which gradually increases, can be a sign of spontaneous abortion, sharp pain warns of a possible placental abruption. In this case, you need to seek help as soon as possible in order to save the life of the child and mother.

Severe pulling pain, accompanied by dizziness, weakness, bleeding, which occurs at an early stage, may be a symptom of a rupture of the fallopian tube, characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy - as a rule, discomfort is localized on one side.
