Why Children Shouldn't Watch TV

Why Children Shouldn't Watch TV
Why Children Shouldn't Watch TV

You are often warned that the TV is harmful to the child, but you are used to the fact that the child is busy in front of the screen. And you have time to wash the dishes, I don’t worry about your beloved child. But when you decided to play with the baby, he got angry?

Want to understand what happened? Let's try.

Why children shouldn't watch TV
Why children shouldn't watch TV

In fact, there is nothing wrong with your child watching TV. Judge for yourself, how can you say that you cannot watch TV if you yourself sit watching programs for more than an hour?

Why is there such a situation with prohibitions? More often than not, parents begin to notice that the child begins to snap and get angry if they try to limit the time of his vigil in front of the screen. Children begin to make promises, which then do not fulfill, become hostile and force their parents to argue with them and even threaten. Why is all this happening, and how to prevent it?

TV attracts children in several ways:

1. Moving pictures. This has always attracted attention, and even a child of one and a half years old can sit and watch the program spellbound, not understanding its meaning at all. Attention keeps the movement itself on the screen. Plus, there's also sound.

2. Television is available. I pressed the button - and there is a spectacle.

3. Television performances of fairy tales and cartoons. There is nothing brighter and more desirable for a child.

This is if we talk about the attractiveness of the TV for the child. Now let's remember the parents:

1. Very often, parents themselves enhance the tempting of the TV. For example, buying a new one can elevate the TV to the rank of what you want the most.

2. Parents watch the programs themselves. Children want to share these privileges and be close to mom and dad.

3. Parental laziness. After all, it is very convenient when the child is sitting and watching TV. Mom at this moment can go about her business, and dad can read the newspaper.

4. Parents use television as a reward. This creates excitement and habit in the child. Children lose the habit of doing things automatically, they get used to the fact that there should be a reward for actions. Moreover, they will increase their demands.

The best way to prevent TV addiction is to become the most attractive object in your child's eyes. There are a huge number of games, fairy tales, fun and activities that you can captivate your baby. If the parents neglect it, then it is not the television that is causing the problem.

It must be remembered that a child who pushes his mother away in order to watch the program can then repulse in the same way in other situations.

What to do?

1. Look at all of the above and draw conclusions.

2. Do not reproach or threaten children, as in this way you attach too much importance to the TV and, accordingly, attractiveness.

3. Spend more time with children playing and studying.

4. Find and offer the child some new activity that requires a minimum of learning time, short explanations and a lot of movement.

5. Explain everything the child asks about. Be patient with the child's fantasies.

6. Do not interfere with children if they are passionate about a game that you do not understand. If they are having fun and the game is not harmful to their health, this is a good game.

7. And one more piece of advice. Start the game exactly when the child reaches out to sit in front of the TV.

If communication with you is more interesting for the baby than watching the program, the child will sit less in front of the TV, and he will lose his attractiveness.
