Letters. People have long ceased to treat them as a special thing. We send emails without thinking about what they look like. Gone are the days when leaves, covered with beautiful handwriting, were kept in boxes like a jewel; today the lot of letters is a basket. However, this does not apply to love letters.

Step 1
The love letter is a special genre. Feelings and dreams, expectation and excitement merge in it. They can be cold or passionate, gentle or ruthless, but never indifferent. Keep this in mind when thinking about how to write a letter to a man.
Step 2
Try to make the text of the letter express your emotions, so that words mean more than just words. No need to rhyme lines - leave it for your chosen one - write as your heart tells you. Men do not like excessive pathos.
Step 3
Come up with something special that will set your messages apart from everyone else. For example, subscribe with different pseudonyms or write exclusively in purple.
Step 4
Do not forget to call your loved one by name in your messages. Psychologists have long found out that a person, having heard his name, becomes softer and more willing to make contact. Yes, a letter is not an oral speech, but a man will certainly read it, albeit to himself …
Step 5
Don't send emails too often. Allow the man to take the initiative himself, do not deprive him of the opportunity to feel joy when receiving the long-awaited message. Remember that a man does not like to be diligently pursued: he is a hunter, not a prey.
Step 6
Before you write a letter to your beloved, imagine that you are him. Read the text through his eyes (try it anyway). Believe me, you will correct a lot in the letter.
Step 7
Take your time to send a message. You will always have time to do this: the recipient will not die from the fact that the letter will come to him a few hours later, but you will insure yourself against mistakes by being able to re-read what you have written several times.
Step 8
Never send the same letters to different men. Take a few hours of free time, but create a unique message. A man must understand that it is meant for him. Exclusively for him. It's true, isn't it?