Sleepwalking is a rather strange disorder that affects about 14% of children until they become teenagers. About a quarter of these children experience sleepwalking attacks more than once in their lives.

The main causes of sleepwalking are disorders in the brain and sleep disorders of the child. It's not scary. Usually, when a person wakes up, his brain and body wake up with him. But this is not the case with sleepwalkers. Sleepwalkers wake up their body and part of their brain during an attack, but most of their brain remains dormant.
When a child begins to walk in a dream, his eyes are open and his face is impassive. He can see, but at the same time he will stumble over objects and collide with various things. As a rule, he will not respond to his name, and he will not hear your voice. The most common episodes of sleepwalking are during the first couple of hours of sleep. These attacks can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to two hours. It happens that a sleepwalker can put on clothes and leave the apartment.
It is most reasonable in such situations to bring this matter to the doctor, and not rely on doors, windows, locks, or even interfere with the child's walk. Remember that children should not be frightened or disturbed because this can lead to complications. Children tend to grow out of this state. The most important thing that needs to be done with sleepwalking is calmly, without waking the child, bring him to bed and lay him down as gently as possible.
In addition, adults also suffer from sleepwalking. But there are much less of them - less than one percent. In adults, sleepwalking occurs as a result of stress, anxiety, epilepsy, or insomnia. If you eliminate the cause, then sleepwalking itself will also disappear. Hypnosis is commonly used in the treatment of sleepwalking.
Without a doubt, there are so many different methods of treatment for people suffering from sleepwalking. The most important thing with bouts of sleepwalking is to remove those objects with which the sleepwalker can pierce his own eye or cause any injury. In addition, locks, doors and windows should be blocked.