In recent years, solving the demographic problem has become part of state policy. In this regard, there are a number of social programs aimed at supporting families in which a child is born. Large families can also count on state support.

A large family is a family in which three or more minor children are brought up. In order to get this or that social payment on time, you should familiarize yourself with the list of benefits in 2018.
Typically, benefits apply to most areas of life, such as education, medicine, food, and utilities.
Let us consider in more detail, on the

- For such families there is a discount on utility bills, the interest rate depends on the region in which the family lives.
- Public transport for children is free. Travel by suburban transport will be carried out with a 50% discount.
- Children should be provided with free tickets to visit theaters, museums, zoos.
- Perhaps free registration in budget circles and sections.
- Health care. For the improvement of children, free vouchers to sanatoriums and camps are provided. Children under 6 years of age should be provided with free medicines.
- Free meals in educational institutions, supply of school uniforms.
- Priority enrollment in kindergartens. 70% discount on payment for services in kindergartens.
- A child entering the 1st grade is entitled to a payment in the amount of 7,500 rubles, upon transferring to subsequent classes, the amount of payment is 5,000 rubles. In addition, in addition (monthly), the family can count on a cash payment for the purchase of office supplies for each student.
Material support for large families exists both at the federal and regional levels.
- At the birth of a child, the family in 2018 will receive an allowance in the amount of 16,350, 33 rubles (for the wives of military personnel, 24,500 rubles).
- After the birth of the child, the mother draws up a childcare allowance for a child up to 1, 5 years old. Its size will depend on her income (earnings) for the last 2 years (2016-2017).
- Compensation payment for caring for a child until he reaches the age of 3 years (depends on the subsistence level of the region where the woman lives).
- In the event that the family did not receive maternity capital for the second child, then in 2018 its size will be 505 thousand rubles.
In addition to the above benefits, a large family can count on financial support at the regional level (benefits and their amounts depend on the region of residence).
There is also social support from parents.
- For example, registration of an early pension for women - at 50 years, and not at the prescribed 55. Moreover, her work experience must be at least 15 years.
- The duration of the main leave is increased by 2 weeks, the leave is laid at any time convenient for the parents.
- Parents from large families have the right to one additional day off per week, while it is paid.
- The state provides a large family with a plot of land on an area of 6-15 acres.
You can find out in more detail what benefits and benefits a large family has the right to count on at the place of residence in the social protection authorities. There you will receive detailed advice, and a specialist will tell you exactly what documents you need to provide in order to receive this or that benefit.