Children are happiness. But, in order to raise a child, you need to make a lot of effort. An important side is the material. It is usually difficult to raise a child, let alone a few. Therefore, in order to increase the birth rate, the state assumes responsibility for providing benefits to large families.

A family with three or more minor children or children under 23 years of age who receive higher education is considered large.
Benefits for large families
1. A 30% reduction in utility bills. In the absence of central heating, 30% is calculated from the average fuel cost, taking into account consumer standards.
2. Provision of free medicines to children under 6 years of age as prescribed by a doctor.
3. Free travel for the whole family on public transport.
4. Annual payment of half the cost of travel across the Russian Federation to the place of treatment and back.
5. Priority admission of children to kindergartens.
6. Provision of free meals for primary and secondary school students.
7. Annual free school uniforms, including physical education.
8. Provision of free tickets for visiting cultural and leisure events once a month.
9. Preferential mortgage lending.
10. Obtaining land for individual housing construction out of turn.
11. Preferential taxation and financial assistance to farms.
13. Out-of-order housing.
14. Providing parents with flexible working hours under the Labor Code.
Cash compensation for large families
- to increase living expenses: up to four children - 600 rubles; five or more - 750 rubles;
- for the purchase of children's goods - 900 rubles;
- to increase the cost of baby food up to three years - 675 rubles;
- for utilities: up to four children - 522; over - 1044 rubles;
- for using a landline telephone - 230 rubles.
Payments made once a year for families with 10 or more children
- 10,000 RUB on Family Day on May 15;
- 15,000 RUB - by September 1 (Knowledge Day).
All parents who are raising seven or more children can become holders of the Order of Parental Glory and receive a lump sum of 100,000 rubles.