It is known that men value their personal freedom, and therefore are in no hurry to get married. Often, some of them revel in a free lifestyle so much that, even having met a girl suitable for the role of a wife, they are in no hurry to propose to her.

Reasons why a man is in no hurry to get married
A question arises that interests many girls: "When does a man decide that it is time for him to get married?" Of course, in this case, the behavior of a man depends on the family model he adopted, on upbringing, his lifestyle, outlook, values and other factors.
Men understand that marriage is a serious change, the beginning of family life, where now he will have to play a new role as a spouse, protector, breadwinner. Many responsibilities arise, responsibility falls on him, new restrictions and rules appear.
Some men are discouraged by these circumstances, and therefore they prefer to live in a so-called "civil marriage", realizing that in an extreme case, they can end their relationship with a girl without serious consequences. Men understand that by registering an official marriage, they are no longer likely to decide on the division of property, the payment of alimony and other unpleasant procedures in the event of the breakdown of the marriage.
Thus, a man who has made an official proposal to his bride emphasizes his serious intentions. He realizes that the girl who is now with him deserves the status of his wife, he is ready to spend his whole life with her.
There is an opinion that when a girl insists on a wedding and gives such arguments as “You love me, we have to get married”, then the man hears only “I am your last girl in the world, except for me you will have no one else”.
Reasons why a man thinks about marriage
Meeting a girl suitable for the role of a woman, with whom he would connect his life, unlike his previous partners, he also thinks about creating a family. The man's confidence that his girlfriend will be a wonderful wife and mother of his children for him makes him marry her. A man in love, afraid of losing his beloved, also decides to propose to her. In some cases, a man proposes to a girl who accidentally becomes pregnant from him.
Until a certain time, a man values his independence, but over time he realizes that he lacks constancy, warmth, comfort, stability. Of course, a man understands that it is time for him to get married when he thinks about children, about home comfort. In those cases when he realizes that the previous entertainment does not give him pleasure, in particular, changing partners, fleeting relationships and more.
As a rule, most men start thinking about marriage after a vivid example of their close friends who decided to get married. He comes to visit his married friends and understands that marriage is not a trap set up by a woman for whom marriage is an end in itself.