Teenage girls seem to many people to be completely alien and incomprehensible creatures. On the one hand, they are just beginning to realize their feminine essence, on the other, they look angular and insecure. It is extremely difficult to imagine what is going on in a teenager's head.

Human desires
Meanwhile, something unusual is not happening in the head of a teenager. Any girl or any guy, in general, a person of any age wants to be loved. This is a basic need. Due to teenage insecurity and idealistic ideas about the world, teenage girls need more "proof" of such love - compliments, flowers, trinkets will never be superfluous.
Of course, any girl or girl really wants to become a participant in a beautiful love story, so that “like in a movie” or “like in a novel”. This is part of the problem of interaction between boys and girls of fourteen or sixteen years old, because they have completely different ideas about the ideal relationship or romance in their heads. Therefore, teenage girls often prefer the company of older guys who can and can afford to make the relationship "beautiful". Girls really want to show off their gentlemen to the whole world, so joint walks, evenings in restaurants, cafes or even parks are a very important part of life for them. After all, this is an opportunity to declare your happiness to the world (well, to cause a little envy among "sworn" friends).
Appearance, cute little things, uniqueness …
Girls at any age want to change themselves. Adolescence is very important for the formation of the ideal image of appearance. So girls at a young age are looking for a person to follow. Having found a similar one (usually this is a celebrity - an actress or a singer, very often the mother acts as such an ideal), they try to be like their ideal in everything. This often leads to a change in demeanor or a major revision of clothing style. While a kind of setting is taking place, it can be difficult with young girls.
Almost all female teenagers love all sorts of cute things - plush toys, cute jewelry, cute boxes. Girls want to surround themselves with beauty (in accordance with their ideas about it). In today's globalized world, thanks to the media and the common information space, such ideas about beauty are becoming more and more universal. This also applies to ideas about romance.
And young girls (despite striving for some newfound ideal) really want to be unique, one of a kind. So it's very important to maintain these beliefs in girls. And it doesn't depend on age.