Phrases For Engraving On A Wedding Ring

Phrases For Engraving On A Wedding Ring
Phrases For Engraving On A Wedding Ring

The tradition of engraving came to us from the West, where it appeared back in the Middle Ages. Engraving on wedding rings is in great demand. This fills the decoration with a special meaning, which is understandable for a newlywed couple in love.

Phrases for engraving on a wedding ring
Phrases for engraving on a wedding ring

Several rules for engraving

Wedding rings are usually engraved on the inside of the jewelry. Although some couples order the engraving text both on the outside and on the inside of the rings. For example, on the inside in Russian, and on the outside in Latin.

There are hand, machine and laser engraving. Manual work is more painstaking, often made with beautiful ligature, therefore it costs an order of magnitude more expensive. For machine engraving, the classic font is preferred. The phrase, applied with a laser, does not fade or wear off, it can be done both from the outside and from the inside of the rings.

Secret engraving is one of the fashion trends. In this case, the rings are made to order. They consist of two parts: a thin, inscribed ring is inserted inside the larger outer ring. To read the engraved inscription, you need to move the halves of the outer ring apart.

For engraving, jewelry made of platinum, 585 or 750 gold is suitable. It is necessary to choose the correct size, otherwise the inscription cannot be saved when the ring is rolled out.

Phrases for engraving on wedding rings

The text should be laconic and bearing a special meaning. The most successful phrases for engraving on rings are in Latin, English, French or Italian. They are usually short, beautiful-sounding, and visually good.

Semper Amemus (Latin) - Let Us Love Always (English) - Our love will last forever. Il Mio Cuore e il Tuo Per Semper (Italian) - My heart is forever yours.

For a cheerful and extraordinary couple, a playful inscription is suitable. For example, “do not remove”, “chained”, “busy”.

In addition, a phrase from a favorite movie (book) of the newlyweds or words from a song can serve as the text for engraving. It can be a kind of "code" word or expression associated with the love story of the bride and groom.

The engraving of names or affectionate nicknames of a couple in love, memorable dates (day of acquaintance, declaration of love, wedding) and capacious phrases meaning the motto of the future family (together forever, love forever) are very popular.

Religious couples can choose a small quote from the Bible (Quran). For example, Godblessus - Lord, bless us.

Engraving is not just a fashionable wedding trend, it will help turn ordinary jewelry into a talisman and a symbol of your love.
