It is believed that the main purpose of a woman is to become a mother. But sometimes many of the fairer sex find it difficult to decide on such a heroic step. Most often they explain this by the lack of material wealth. But observations have shown that in poor families (as in countries), the birth rate is higher. This means that the problem lies somewhere deeper, or the women are simply cunning.

Step 1
You must realize that it is very scary to be a lonely person. An example of this is the famous actresses of the Soviet era. They had everything - education, career, recognition, standing ovation, fans. But sooner or later, old age comes, a serious crisis in life sets in, a person feels like no one is needed. Where, then, to seek consolation? Of course, in my family. What prevents you from realizing yourself as a mother and grandmother, from feeling significant for someone? Unfortunately, this realization comes with age, when most women are no longer able to bear a baby. So think about it while you still can.
Step 2
Drop all fears. Some of them are invented by a woman herself, becoming a hostage to her thoughts. As a result, one part of the fairer sex is afraid of losing shape during pregnancy, others are afraid of the birth itself. Remember how many nulliparous young girls with blurry shapes have you seen? And slender mothers? The comparison will help you realistically assess the situation and understand that pregnancy does not affect your figure in any way. It all depends on your desires and efforts. The process of childbirth itself is not as scary as you think. When you see a tiny creature that is part of you and your loved one, everything will be forgotten.
Step 3
Do not refer to the lack of material wealth. So you never dare to give birth. A person is always missing something. For example, today you set a goal to buy a house, tomorrow - a car, the day after tomorrow - a summer residence. But this chain will continue indefinitely. Then you will want to relax at resorts, go to various events, and the child will only be a hindrance. You will have to make up your mind to make changes in your life. And deciding is always more difficult than going with the flow.
Step 4
Don't give up on having a baby for a career. You can also achieve success as a mother. In addition, modern legislation allows husband, grandmother, and grandfather to sit on maternity leave. You can only take a vacation for a couple of months so that the child will spend the first days with his mother. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation, you just need to carefully consider the situation. Is a career more important than a child?
Step 5
Don't listen to negative advice about having a baby from strangers. Listen to your heart, it will definitely tell you the right decision. If you are married, you have a reliable husband, then why should you give up the happiness of becoming a mother? After all, a person's immortality lies in his children.