Quite often we hear such phrases: “I cannot live without him. I don't need anyone else. Many people believe that this is strong love, but in fact, psychologists argue that these feelings have nothing to do with real love, this is called addiction.

Most likely, the cause of love addiction lies in childhood. Sufferers of love addiction are literally imbued with the desire to follow the object of their adoration, requiring a lot of attention to themselves. If attention is not enough, scenes of jealousy and scandals begin.
In the case of a complex of an unloved child, a person is more prone to love addiction. Perhaps in childhood, the parents worked a lot, devoted little time to the child, therefore, becoming an adult, he tries to somehow compensate for this. However, as a rule, such people cannot build relationships with good people, most often they start relationships with unworthy people. Smart, beautiful and kind guys with a complex of a disliked child choose a non-self-sufficient and ugly partner for themselves. This is done on the subconscious to make up for the lack of adoration.
If this situation is familiar, you need to learn one rule: no relationship will help heal an emotional state. Initially, you need to put your inner state and thoughts in order, become calm without a relationship, and only then you can look for a soul mate. But not the other way around.
If a person feels bad without a soul mate, if he simply cannot be alone, rushing into the arms of the first person who comes across is a big mistake. You can find a way out: for this you need to completely move away from the relationship, do something interesting. As soon as you do this, then over time you may notice that exactly the person you really need has come into your life.