"To love more than life." How often this phrase is heard from TV screens, it has entered our life as a stable phrase, and we sometimes repeat it meaninglessly. In reality, these words reflect a not entirely healthy attitude towards the object of their love. It is addiction.

We think that the feelings experienced for a partner whom we want to constantly see, to know where he is, is love. Oh, how wrong we are! A young couple lives nearby, where his wife abandoned her studies for the benefit of the family, because you need to create comfort for your beloved, wash, take care of, wash, cook. After all, he is the meaning of her life, because without him she will not live a day. She is not interested in gatherings with her friends, because He is not there, there is no desire to work, because suddenly, when she is at work, He may need something.
This is how this seemingly happy couple lives for many years. She loves Him, and he studies, finds a good job, meets friends, goes in for sports and suddenly … leaves his ideal wife. The woman is shocked and does not understand why she was abandoned, what she did wrong, because she devoted her whole life to her beloved husband. She denied herself everything, did not sleep at night, if only He felt good.
Here we come to the main question: "What is the reason? Why did she do all this?" After all, the husband was never a capricious egoist, did not cheat on her, did not walk. But the woman created an idol for herself and threw her whole life at his feet. And what about the husband?
One day he got tired of admiration for himself, he outgrew his uneducated wife and, finally, she just bored him with her puppy love. The woman went through such a severe emotional shock that as a result she attempted suicide and then for a long time was treated in a psychiatric clinic for acute depression. Here you can blame your husband for coldness and dishonesty as much as you like, but he is right.
His wife strangled him with her, she thought, love. He needed a life companion, not a faithful dog. He wanted to develop together with his chosen one, go forward and rejoice at the successes achieved together. In fact, they made a complete egoist out of him. The man was terribly annoyed by the spinelessness of his wife, her rejection of her own desires. As a result, a divorce and a new family.
Recently, in world psychiatry, love addiction has become a diagnosis. The main signs of this disorder and the reasons for its appearance have already come to light. Psychologists actively help addicted people and adapt them for later life.