Child's Computer Addiction

Child's Computer Addiction
Child's Computer Addiction

More and more children find themselves in the network of computer games. For some children, play is the main addiction in life. Forgetting everything in the world, the child is deeply immersed in the virtual world. Experts attribute the child's dependence on a computer to a disease, and many parents are seriously concerned about this problem.

Child's computer addiction
Child's computer addiction

Why addiction develops

First of all, dependence on a computer can appear in the presence of certain character traits. Does the child have low self-esteem and self-doubt? Attempts to assert himself can push him into the virtual space. After all, here he can become anyone.

An unfavorable atmosphere in the family is also one of the prerequisites for the emergence of a dependent position. Emotionality, excitability of the nervous system, gambling lead to addiction. A computer game increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. The student develops an addiction, he will strive to repeat the sensations in any way.

What does addiction to computer games lead to?

Playing violent computer games, the child identifies himself with the hero of the virtual space. The little person gets used to solving problems with rudeness and violence. Difficulties arise in the child's relationship with people around him. As a result, the teenager becomes even more self-contained.

A computer dependent child does not control the time, forgetting about important things and food. Communication with family and friends irritates him. If a student is deprived of the opportunity to play his favorite game, he becomes embittered and depressed.

How to deal with addiction

It is best to avoid addiction at all. Parents are obliged to teach the child that the use of the computer is available only for a certain time. The games the child plays should not be violent and aggressive.

If the addiction has already arisen, you need to start fighting it. The faster the better. Priority actions include the following steps:

  • try to establish contact with the child;
  • completely exclude the computer from the child's life;
  • help find new hobbies.

Parents need to establish a relationship of trust with their son or daughter. Personal hobbies, problems and affairs of the child should not be ignored by the father and mother.

A ban on computer games can lead to anger and increased emotionality in the child. Parents need to be patient, support the little person, but in no case give in to him.

The child's dependence on the computer can be overcome if you fill your free time with new hobbies, for example, enroll in a sports section or a creative circle.

If the parents feel that they are not able to cope with the child's addiction, they should seek help from a child psychologist.
