Why Husbands Often Cheat With The Birth Of A Child

Why Husbands Often Cheat With The Birth Of A Child
Why Husbands Often Cheat With The Birth Of A Child

The reasons for male infidelity in almost 80% of cases are associated with the birth of a child in the family. Many factors that did not exist before the birth of a child are pushing men to cheat. How to avoid cheating? And how to behave if it did happen?

Why husbands often cheat with the birth of a child
Why husbands often cheat with the birth of a child

The stress of fatherhood

Fatherhood is stressful for men. The system of values in an already established family and the daily routine are also turned upside down. Now the attention and care of the loving "half" belongs entirely to a small screaming lump, which subjugates time, sleep, screams and pees into diapers. Household difficulties annoy men, this is a conflict zone: help is now required from a man, since a young mother cannot cope with the flow of responsibilities. The accumulated irritation by the "stupidity" of the spouse results in emotional outbursts, irritation, and anger of the wife. A man "did not order such a wife" for himself, and he perceives a change in his attitude to himself very painfully. In addition, men are literally frightened and sometimes "enraged" by children's squeak, crying, which can cause headaches, fear, stress. Often, men are frightened by financial problems and sleepless nights in which there is no time for sex. And the woman caring for the child is too busy with family and household routine, often nothing remains of her former passion. All this piles on a man with a heavy burden, causes depression. If women think that the stronger sex does not care, they are mistaken.

It is in such situations that the faithful becomes unhappy, and causes a completely understandable desire in the fair sex to warm emotionally, to caress physically. For a man, this is a way out, an attempt to slip out of the world, before the eyes of losing romance, to overcome stress, to avoid depression. A man is attracted to his mistress by the opportunity to be free, not guilty of anything. After all, what a sin to conceal, young mothers love to play on feelings of guilt, to criticize, and a man is repulsed by this.

How to behave so that the husband does not "go to the left"?

Despite the fatigue, it is still necessary to find time and energy for emotional communication with a man. If he does not feel lonely internally, the risk of betrayal becomes minimal. Reconsider your attitude towards life. Perhaps you shouldn't fall off your feet from heroic efforts when everything in the apartment is glistening, and cats are scratching their souls. In general, a woman should not sacrifice herself in the name of order in the house, otherwise the feeling of vengefulness and annoyance will still result in a nervous outburst of irritation, negatively affecting the relationship. After all, a couple of unfortunate dishes or unwashed towels won't do the trick.

Be less critical of your spouse. Praise inspires, and a man is willing to do much more when he receives encouragement from a woman. Try to dissolve resentment, without delay, in a confidential conversation, a calm conversation. You should not take too much care of the peace of a man - he should feel responsibility for the child on an equal basis with his wife. But do not overload him with household chores, boredom pushes men to secret romantic hobbies even faster than the nervous shouts of his wife. A request for help should not be made as a complaint with a tinge of dissatisfaction. In general, a woman's chronic dissatisfaction with her man most often leads him to someone else's bed, where he feels confident, protected from attacks and soul-exhausting female criticism.

Well, if the betrayal happened - a woman should be wiser, not to make hasty conclusions. Instead of destroying those relationships that have already been established, it is better to think about how to resurrect a special lightness and excitement, romance, a feeling of light love. All this is a real talisman for a family and a magnet for a man. A woman should be desirable. And then the casual connection will remain casual.

Surprisingly, child cheating is typical of a first marriage. A second marriage is always more durable, stable, partners clearly know what they want from each other, they have more desire to understand each other, and sex is not the main thing in a relationship, since people in a second marriage are connected by many common hobbies.
