Why Does The Beloved Ignore

Why Does The Beloved Ignore
Why Does The Beloved Ignore

Loss of interest on the part of a man is a terrible blow for any woman. After all, until recently everything seemed so beautiful, but now your bright future and ruddy children are in question. But why, why does he behave this way?

Why does the beloved ignore
Why does the beloved ignore

He is not interested in you

Alas, most often the reason is elementary - a man is simply no longer interested in you, and he does not intend to continue to communicate. If this happened early in your relationship, when the rapprochement was just beginning, don't try to persuade him to try again or give you a chance. Few people love obsessive women, and if he doesn't like you very much, there is practically no chance.

Unfortunately, a man can make the decision to break up even after a long relationship. And it so happens that, unable to do it beautifully, he finds nothing better than just leaving in English. You can, of course, try to talk to him and return, but do not take any extreme steps. Remember that if there is love, your chosen one will definitely return. If it has passed, nothing can be done about it.

The man is too shy

It is generally accepted that men are the active and even aggressive sex. If they really want a girl, they let her feel it. But not always! There are shy and indecisive people among the stronger sex. In addition, if you have struck a man with your unearthly beauty and he is just numb at the thought that you might be interested in him, the man's indecision often increases exponentially. And so he sits at home next to a piece of paper on which your phone number is written, sighs and cannot dare to call.

And it so happens that you yourself propose a meeting or call, but the man is afraid to ruin everything or simply does not know how to entertain you on a date and … does not answer calls. If suddenly you come across such a copy, try to give him confidence and cheer him up a little. Perhaps you were being overly arrogant, and now it is worth giving the man hope.

Is he really busy?

Women often dramatize everything. Understand first what exactly you consider a sign of ignorance on the part of a man. If he did not answer the call and did not call back after 15 minutes, you should not at all think that you are now on the black list and forever deleted from his life. Perhaps he is really busy and simply does not have the opportunity to communicate with you. By the way, men never put family and relationships above work. No matter how much the chosen one loves you, and no matter how dear you are to him, work for him will always be a little more important and a little more expensive. And you shouldn't be offended here. After all, a man must provide for his family, including you.
