It is generally accepted that according to statistics there are nine guys for ten girls. On the dating site, the ratio of female and male profiles is also not in favor of “girls”. Women, in contrast to men, are more willing to post their candidacies on these resources. Nevertheless, some men's questionnaires remain completely unclaimed. This is due to a number of reasons.

Bad photo
It is with the help of a photo that visitors of the dating portal will get their first impression of you. Therefore, this issue must be approached responsibly. After all, if the picture does not like it, the girl is unlikely to want to continue to look through the profile.
To keep your photo attractive, consider the following guidelines:
- Contrary to the opinion of men, half-naked pictures only repel women.
- Don't use group photos.
- Do not post pictures where you are in unusual situations or unusual conditions.
- Be sure to add a photo with your hobby, but do not make it the main one.
- But it is undesirable to post pictures against the background of expensive mansions and cars (even if they are yours). This way you will attract girls looking for sponsors, and not your soul mate.
- Do not use accessories. Dark glasses, a hat pulled down over his eyes are alarming.
- Don't post photos where you are much younger. After all, you also want a woman to come to the meeting that best matches her image on the dating site.
- The photo must be of high quality. Agree that very few people are attracted to a blurry outline.
- Don't use photoshop.
- If you want to induce the opposite sex to meet, then use a portrait photo where you look directly into the camera. Smiling, being open, and relaxed make a positive impression.
If you can't find a suitable photo, ask someone to photograph you. Better to contact a professional. He already knows all the nuances of a status photo.
Truth in a bad light
The same information can both attract the opposite sex and repel. Therefore, a man who is thinking about how to describe his personal data more profitably has more chances of success.
Use full names: not "Fedya", but "Fedor", not "Vanya", but "Ivan". To draw attention to yourself, you can show a little originality. For example, instead of "Michael" write "Michael".
Be sure to be interesting and just talk about yourself, your hobby. Self-admiration and arrogance are repulsive.
Your work can be described with a little embellishment. Those. replacing the title of the position with a more modern sound ("salesman" for "manager", "policeman" for "detective", "merchandiser" for "merchandiser", etc.). The girl will already start to be proud of you in absentia.
Financial situation is a delicate matter. If you are not satisfied with the salary, do not advertise it. If you write "I have enough", most likely you will be ignored. Indicate simply “financially secured”. It's true.
It is better not to write about the car and other property at all. Now you will not surprise anyone with such.
Family status
If a man indicates that he is married, then the chances of getting to know him will be minimal. Therefore, you must honestly describe your actual marital status. For example, "I am married, but we live separately", "I was in a civil marriage, but separated by mutual consent." Without the details of his personal life and resentment against former partners.
Excessive requirements for the candidate
Everyone has their own preferences and wishes, but you shouldn't dwell on them. Girls will bypass your profile if you make too many demands on them.
Don't write about what annoys you about girls. Thus, you can weed out a worthy candidate in which everything will delight you and not annoy you. As for bad habits, a girl can get rid of them by falling in love with you.
It is worth refraining from describing a specific female image with details of appearance. This way you can stay lonely. Do not forget that the external parameters can be changed (of course, if the girl likes you so much). The main thing is that the person is good and suits you.
Illiterate text
Any, even the most attractive, profile is capable of alienating a girl if the information is written illiterately, with spelling and punctuation errors. Check the text carefully using editors.
Negative attitude, banality and rudeness
A woman subtly feels if the questionnaire is saturated with negative emotions and despondency. Do not reflect any negative facts in your profile. Put yourself in the shoes of the other person. After making new acquaintances, people are looking for an excuse to change their lives for the better. Add some appropriate humor, self-irony.
Be open, sincere, and positive. And your significant other will certainly find you.