A woman's lack of orgasm is a big problem that can lead her to deep psychological and emotional problems. Very often women blame their partners for not having an orgasm, however, in most cases, they themselves are to blame for this trouble. How to correctly make adjustments to your sex life and start getting real pleasure from sexual contact.

Step 1
The main reason for the lack of orgasm in women is the lack of regular sex. It has long been scientifically proven that frequent sex is very beneficial for health. If a woman has sexual intercourse with long interruptions, then the stable work of the glands, which are responsible for the production of vaginal lubrication, is disrupted and the elasticity of the vagina is lost. What kind of orgasm can we talk about then? Orgasm is, first of all, practice and knowledge of your body. It does not come from anywhere, so you just need to exercise regularly in order to get truly unearthly pleasure from sex, accompanied by a vivid orgasm.

Step 2
If you regularly wear tight and uncomfortable underwear, you can also forget what an orgasm is. Thongs on a beautiful body look very exciting, but, unfortunately, they disrupt blood circulation, as a result of which the pressure necessary for a full orgasm is not created in the vessels. The woman, as before, experiences sexual arousal, but she cannot get an orgasm. Underwear should be comfortable and not put pressure on the body. It is also better to refuse artificial tissues if you want to get multiple orgasms.

Step 3
There are many muscles in the vagina, and they need regular exercise, otherwise they weaken and atrophy. Orgasm is a muscle contraction, so regular exercise can help you experience it regularly. Kegel exercises are known to effectively help tone the vaginal muscles. However, no special set of exercises can replace regular and passionate sex.

Step 4
Smoking can also be an insurmountable obstacle to achieving orgasm. If you smoke a lot (about one pack of cigarettes a day), then you can even get sick with anorgasmia and forget about the pleasure of sex for a long time.

Step 5
Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages also leads to a lack of orgasm. It is known that a small dose of alcohol, on the contrary, exacerbates sexual desire, however, only desire grows, but the possibilities … When a person is intoxicated, the sensitivity of erogenous zones significantly decreases and at the same time the activity of sex hormones increases. It becomes very difficult for a drunk woman to achieve orgasm, although she really wants to.

Step 6
Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease that affects many women. Sometimes, due to this common ailment, a woman is not able to reach the peak of sexual pleasure. With this disease, blood pressure, normal vascular activity and heat exchange in the body are disturbed.

Step 7
The disturbed hormonal background can also cause the lack of orgasm. It is known that 2/3 of women begin to get real pleasure from sex only after the birth of a child or at the age of about thirty. Most girls under 25 also experience strong arousal, but do not experience an orgasm.

Step 8
Taking certain medications can also lead to a lack of orgasm. Surprisingly, sometimes even the most harmless, at first glance, drugs can lead to sexual dysfunctions in a woman's body. For example, antispasmodics, diuretics, tranquilizers, drugs to lower blood pressure, antihistamines and cold medicines can be very dangerous for a full sex life.

Step 9
Cold is one of the reasons for the lack of orgasm. Scientists have shown that the temperature of a woman's feet directly affects orgasm. If your feet are constantly freezing, then try wearing wool socks before indulging in carnal pleasures or ask your lover to give you a relaxing erotic massage to disperse the blood and warm you.

Step 10
There is such a saying: "A full belly is deaf to the teaching." This statement can be safely attributed to orgasm in women. If you eat a large meal before sex, then the possibility of reaching orgasm is significantly reduced. Your body is focused on digesting food, not sex. If you are planning to have sex, it is best to do it on an empty stomach. Ideally, after the last meal, three hours should pass and then the likelihood of achieving orgasm in a woman is significantly increased.