Most married couples, starting to live together, one way or another face a common problem - a woman is unhappy that her husband does not help her with the housework. Even if at the beginning of family life a man, trying to please his wife even more, tries to clean up things, dust and wash dishes, then, as a rule, soon enough his enthusiasm subsides, and the woman faces the question - how to motivate the man to help with the housework?

Step 1
A man needs motivation to work around the house, which means that he does not skimp on praise. A man should see that his work is appreciated - praise him for any action he does in the house, be it washing floors or cooking food.
Step 2
Don't expect your husband to quickly complete serious responsibilities if he has never done anything before - give him chores around the house gradually, for example, ask him to vacuum the carpet because you are tired.
Step 3
Try to combine your concerns with those of your husband - do not force him to do everything alone. Agree that today you will dust off and prepare dinner, and he will do the laundry and wash the dishes.
Step 4
Always justify your desire for change - if you do not like something in your home and you want to change it, explain to your husband what is wrong with the current state of affairs. Only if he realizes that changes are necessary, he will be included in them. Do not put pressure on a man - the process of "education" can take some time. Eventually, you will notice that the husband himself begins to offer you help around the house and does many things without being reminded.
Step 5
Never hint to a man about his failure and weakness. If he cannot do something or find something, wait while he will deal with the problem himself. Your untimely help can hurt his pride.
Step 6
Never do his personal duties for a man and do not redo his work after him. If you did not like how your husband vacuumed the apartment, you should not defiantly correct his mistakes - this may later push him away from doing chores. Household should be enjoyable and should not cause discomfort - that is why you should not "nag" a man and say that he is doing everything wrong.
Step 7
Be patient, be kind and joyful. Divide different responsibilities among yourself, and perform some of them in turn. Mutual understanding will lead you to family harmony - and this understanding should be present in everything, even in mutual household management.