9 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Size Of The Fetus, Sensations

9 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Size Of The Fetus, Sensations
9 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Size Of The Fetus, Sensations

The ninth obstetric week of pregnancy suggests that the developing embryo is already 7 weeks old. At this time, visible changes are already taking place in the expectant mother. And in the unborn child, the embryonic stage is coming to an end.

9 week of pregnancy: description, size of the fetus, sensations
9 week of pregnancy: description, size of the fetus, sensations

What does an embryo look like at nine weeks old?

At the ninth week, the embryonic period in the fetus ends. About 7 weeks have passed since conception. Visually, the embryo is becoming more and more like a human baby. With ultrasound, the size of the embryo can be determined. They measure about 3 cm from head to tailbone. To make it clear, a baby can be compared in size and weight to an olive or a grape. But despite the fact that the weight of the embryo is no more than 5 grams, you can easily see a person in its features.

The head is much larger than the body. And although the neck is already formed, the head is still pressed against the body. The arms of the embryo are also disproportionate and longer than the legs. A close examination can identify the elbows, forearms and feet of the baby. Membranes are already disappearing between the fingers and toes.

At 9 weeks old, the embryo already has nails on the arms and legs. But now they can only be recognized on the inside. A little later, they will move to the required position.

If an ultrasound scan is carried out at a time when the embryo is awake, then you can see how it wrinkles the already formed lips. In addition, the baby may bend his face and even swallow.

The child's face takes on more and more human outlines. Already you can see the nostrils, the eyes of the embryo become larger. But during this period of pregnancy, they are covered with a special film designed to protect. Taking a good look, you can even identify developing lobes on already more prominent ears.

In order for the organs of the unborn child to develop correctly and in the right places, the body of the embryo stretches and expands. The baby's skeleton is compacted. The muscles in the 9th week of pregnancy in the embryo are formed unevenly, but it can move the limbs.

It is in the ninth week of pregnancy that the pituitary gland is formed in the embryo, which will subsequently be responsible for the formation of growth hormone and metabolic processes.

The brain at 9 weeks of gestation is already divided into 2 hemispheres. Its main part, the cerebellum, begins to form. In addition, the central nervous system, nerve nodes, and nerve endings located in the skull, between the vertebrae and in the spinal cord are also actively developing.

The development of the gastrointestinal system is also active. At 9 weeks, the child has an anus, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and liver are formed. Bowel lengthening can be seen.

The umbilical cord of the embryo becomes stronger and longer. This week, the kidneys begin to function and there is an independent release of waste products of a small organism.

At nine weeks, the lymph nodes of the embryo can already produce lymphocytes. The bronchi develop, and the first rudimentary glands also appear. It is also during this period that the thyroid gland of the embryo begins to function.

Although the expectant mother will not soon be able to feel the baby's first tremors, but now, with the help of a special apparatus, she can hear the beating of the baby's heart. A small organism is able to deliver blood to all vessels thanks to the heart, which beats at a speed of 120-150 beats per minute.

Although the differences in sex are not yet visible on the ultrasound, if this baby is a boy, then the testicles have already appeared, which at this point in time are still in the abdominal cavity. They will later descend into the scrotum.

What happens to the expectant mother in the ninth week of pregnancy?

As a result of the growth of the embryo and its active development, the woman's condition also changes.

The size of a woman's uterus doubles. And if at the time of the delay in menstruation according to the calendar, she was with a fist, now the uterus becomes like an average melon. The surrounding society is not yet able to see pregnancy, but the woman herself is already able to notice how the waist has become wider, and the tummy begins to slightly increase.

In addition, a woman may experience the following changes:

  1. Thanks to hormones, the skin becomes smooth.
  2. Due to the high amount of prolactin in the body, the normal work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. A woman may complain of sparse stools.
  3. As a result of the fact that the woman's uterus increases every day, the pressure on the bladder increases and there is a frequent urge to urinate.
  4. The breasts become very sensitive. In some cases, walking without a bra becomes painful. Also, the size of your breasts may change. Swelling of the mammary glands and even colostrum secretion is a normal and natural process during pregnancy.
  5. In addition, the nipples may darken noticeably. In some women, a dark line may appear on the abdomen already at this time.

What feelings does a woman experience in the ninth week of pregnancy?

The hormonal background at this stage of pregnancy is still at a high level. In addition, the child consumes more and more nutrients from the mother's body, so a woman can feel:

  1. Toxicosis. At nine weeks, the expectant mother is almost getting used to constant nausea in the morning and knows how to reduce it as much as possible.
  2. Fatigue and general weakness due to the fact that the embryo consumes more and more amino acids necessary for it from the mother's body.
  3. Sometimes a woman may feel a slight increase in temperature due to the fact that the amount of blood pumped by the heart increases.
  4. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may develop nasal congestion. It can be treated only with those drugs recommended by the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

What kind of discharge can a pregnant woman have?

The first trimester is characterized by the formation of discharge. It is important to distinguish the norm from pathology in order to minimize possible risks:

  1. Leucorrhoea is a discharge that has neither color nor a pungent odor. At this time in a woman, they can be quite abundant. But this is considered the norm and does not pose any problems for both the expectant mother and the baby.
  2. Brown discharge indicates a possible detachment. It is urgently necessary after the detection of blood to contact medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Bloody discharge speaks of an incipient miscarriage. In order to prevent the loss of pregnancy, you must immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital for saving. As a rule, during this period, doctors do not store them in the maternity hospital, but in the hospital at the gynecological department. Also, bleeding can indicate a violation of the production of hormones. This is characterized by the fact that the discharge appears presumably at the moment when, according to the calendar, a woman should begin her period. In this case, treatment should also be prescribed as soon as possible.
  4. Yellow, white, and foul-smelling discharge indicates a possible medical condition. If early treatment is not started, the embryo can be critically affected by infection.

What examinations should be performed at the 9th week of pregnancy?

A woman at this time should already be registered with an antenatal clinic. Very soon she will have to undergo one of the most important tests - 1 screening. And now the obstetrician-gynecologist will have to enter the following indicators on the card of the pregnant woman:

  1. Woman's height and weight (measured every month).
  2. Arterial pressure.
  3. Abdominal volume.
  4. Palpitations.
  5. General body temperature.
  6. vaginal smear for oncocytology and flora.

In addition, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Blood for viruses (AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis).
  2. General analysis of blood and urine.
  3. Stool analysis.
  4. Blood type and Rh factor
  5. Blood chemistry
  6. Tests for antibodies to herpes simplex, rubella, ureaplasma, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus.
