Age crisis is not limited to adults. It is also characteristic of the childhood period of human development.

So three years have passed since happiness came to the family in the form of a screaming toddler. How many during this time happened for the first time: the first tooth, the first word, the first letter. Nipples and diapers are left behind, a huge life ahead. And now, the age has come (2, 5–3 years), when the baby is already beginning to prepare for an independent life, shows his character, becomes stubborn in defending his desires, often argues to show that he has his own opinion (nothing that it is directly opposite to the opinion of adults). This is a manifestation of the personality of a little person.
To stop the negative manifestation of a child's individuality, it is necessary to know the psychology of the child and his needs. Three years is the age when the baby needs communication with peers. Therefore, a visit to early childhood clubs, kindergarten will be just the way. You do not need to react very emotionally to the tears and whims of the child. Perhaps this is just disobedience, or perhaps a crisis that does not end when the child gets what he wants. A crisis is a change in his behavior, and it will not go away quickly.
To keep the situation under control, one should not rush to extremes: allow everything or forbid everything. But there are moments, and a child should know about them, when one cannot disobey adults: for example, when crossing the road, he must necessarily hold hands with an adult, one cannot litter, be rude to people. On the other hand, you can be allowed to play pranks when it is appropriate, for example, lying in the snow.

- An important rule of upbringing is this: the word "no" must be reasoned ("You must not touch the stove: you can get burned").
- One of the important educational moments, tested by time, is fairy tale therapy. After all, in every fairy tale there is good and evil. Reading fairy tales makes it possible to discuss the actions of the heroes, evaluate them.
- A 3-year-old child needs to be given the opportunity to show independence where he wants it: put on a jacket, put on shoes, help carry a bag, submit glasses. The main thing is not to forget to praise him for this.
- Adults just need to learn not to raise their voice to the child. It is sometimes quite difficult, but after all, they are adults, so that young people can learn from their examples. In response to the child's cry, one must say that he is understood, try to find a compromise or take his attention with another type of action.
- In the end, a professional psychologist can help parents to influence the child. The correct advice will be able to regulate the behavior of the baby and adjust the actions of the parents so that their communication with the child is mutually pleasant.