With what delight and sadness you remember the beginning of your relationship! Here are photos of joint leisure time, you seem very happy together, a chain around your neck is a birthday present for your beloved. Earlier it seemed that it will always be like this and candy - the bouquet period will accompany your whole life. After 1-3 years of marriage, many have their first relationship crisis.

Why is there a crisis in relationships
Two different people from different families, with different life and family values sometimes cannot get used to and accept the charters of the other. If in the wife's family, for example, general hugs and kisses are commonplace, then in the family where the husband grew up, this did not go beyond shaking hands and wishing good morning or night. And the girl will confidently persuade her partner to caress, the same will perceive it as an obsession.
When the period of falling in love passes, feelings recede into the background, and then grinding begins, which is painful, often with scandals.
Another cause of conflicts in the family can be the birth of a child. Wildness, it would seem, and the baby should not bring anything except happiness to the family. But sleepless nights, children's screams and the realization of a man that he is far from the main and beloved now can give a good crack in a relationship.
How to overcome certain periods of the crisis
The question of how to survive lapping and overcome the desire to live separately is in front of a woman, first of all, because the weather in the house depends on her. She needs to act wisely. If there are frequent scandals in the house over a lack of finances, a broken cabinet door, for example, and you are the initiator, do not allow your voice to rise, an unhappy tone, and try to speak calmly about your needs.
As the saying goes, water wears away the stone, and if you are calm, your husband will get into the habit of resolving issues with you quietly.
In no case should you limit each other's freedom. You need to respect your husband's hobbies, of course, if they do not harm your family (such can be going to nightclubs with friends, avid fishing, playing for money). You should not hope and expect that somewhere in the world there is an ideal man, and measure yours according to this comb. Try to weigh its advantages and disadvantages, take a closer look at your beloved - it's not in vain that your choice fell on him. And do not forget to look at yourself from the outside.
For every disagreement, understand that not one family member is to blame, as a rule, both are good, but the percentage is not always 50/50. Therefore, accepting your mistakes and working on mistakes is almost your whole life's business. It looks like a normal concession. Of course, ladies really want to be weaker, and they rightfully believe that men are obliged to take care of them and support. Alas, the patriarchy system has long failed and made it possible not to depend on her husband financially. And if self-education still takes place, your husband will certainly be proud of you and will hardly allow reproaches and disrespect on his part. Although, here, too, you should work hard, first learn to respect yourself, and the rest should be pulled up without a doubt.
The most important thing in a relationship is communication and respect for each other. A lot of joy, positive laughter, patience can turn your family into a strong rear, and your home into an impregnable fortress. And the crisis will pass, it will not be the last, unfortunately. The foundation laid will now be able to withstand the attacks of the next critical times in your married life.