How To Overcome A Family Crisis

How To Overcome A Family Crisis
How To Overcome A Family Crisis

Table of contents:


Almost every married couple just starting a life together is sure that everything will be in order for them. Together, they will overcome any problem! Alas, this is more often in theory. In practice, even the most loving couple can face crises.

How to overcome a family crisis
How to overcome a family crisis


Step 1

The first year of marriage. Newlyweds suddenly discover that a partner who has become a legal spouse is not at all perfect! He has disadvantages, sometimes significant. It turns out that love alone is not enough, more concessions and patience are needed. And they were not taught this! It is not surprising that almost 20% of marriages fall apart in the first year! How can you avoid this? Marriage is the art of compromise. You should not consider your opinion, your way of life to be the only correct one, all the more so - to try to impose on the other side. Remember that self-confidence should not escalate to overconfidence.

Step 2

The turn of the third-fourth years. Many families have a hard time going through the stage associated with the birth of a child. On the one hand, it is a great joy; on the other hand, a huge responsibility, fatigue. Some women are so absorbed in maternal concerns that the husband is firmly relegated to the background. But any man can hardly endure such cooling. It happens that a woman, wrapped up and tired, still ceases to take care of herself. As a result, the frustrated husband looks to the side for consolation. How to overcome this stage of the crisis? Here a lot depends on the husband. He not only can, but also must share with his wife the trouble of caring for the child. After all, it is his own flesh and blood!

Step 3

Seven years of marriage. The husband and wife are still young, full of strength, but the grinding was over a long time ago, everyone knows about each other. Both a man and a woman may well be pulled to the side. Just to get new, vivid sensations that are not in marriage. How to deal with this? Remember that you are growing up a child to whom you are responsible! Try not to become couch potatoes. Go to visit, to exhibitions, to the theater more often. As little routine and boredom as possible!

Step 4

Fourteen years of marriage. Many husbands seem to be preoccupied: they are irresistibly drawn to young ladies. What should wives do? Try to avoid scandals and tears. Make an effort to look your best. Remember that any woman is obliged to take care of herself! Sometimes the birth of a child can help: a sense of responsibility and pride in one's fatherhood will keep a man in the family.

Step 5

Silver wedding, that is, twenty-five years of marriage. Many men and women are seriously affected by the "empty nest syndrome": the children have grown up, they now have their own destiny. At this stage, marriage sometimes becomes an empty formality. And in vain! Think about the fact that only on children "the light did not converge like a wedge", that now you can live for your own pleasure: do what you love, travel around the world.
