8 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Sensations, Fetal Development

8 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Sensations, Fetal Development
8 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Sensations, Fetal Development

At the 8th week of pregnancy, changes in the body of the expectant mother and baby are not yet so noticeable, but the development of the fetus is gradually gaining momentum. Now it is a tiny man, the length of which is about 15 mm, and the weight does not exceed 3 g.

8 week of pregnancy: description, sensations, fetal development
8 week of pregnancy: description, sensations, fetal development

What's going on with mom

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the woman's uterus reaches the size of a grapefruit or large apple. In the blood, hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and prolactin are actively produced. Their activities are as follows:

  • preparing a woman's body to increase the amount of blood by expanding the main arteries;
  • weakening of the pelvic ligaments for free enlargement of the abdomen in size;
  • preparing the breast for milk production.

Usually, by this time, the woman already has early toxicosis, which has the following symptoms:

  • morning and evening nausea;
  • vomit;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • changes in appetite and taste preferences;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Breasts are gradually enlarged. The vessels on it become noticeable, the skin of the nipples darkens. The uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which makes the woman go to the toilet more often. Strengthening the work of the mucous membranes can lead to increased salivation. In some cases, a runny nose appears without any sign of a cold. Also, a woman has emotional instability with frequent mood swings, increased sensitivity to stimuli, rapid fatigue and drowsiness. Acne may appear. The grown uterus acts on the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the hips and pelvis.

Problems and complications

In early pregnancy, it is important to watch for vaginal discharge, which should be clear or white and not too thick. Abundant discharge with impurities of blood is a dangerous signal, which must be immediately reported to the doctor. The sudden cessation of toxicosis and the disappearance of other characteristic signs for the period may indicate the fading of pregnancy. It is important to undergo a thorough examination and check the viability of the fetus.

In some cases, severe toxicosis occurs, which is dangerous for the mother and the unborn child. They point to him:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • constant weakness;
  • weight loss.

It is also important to monitor the sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. Mild pain is usually due to physical and hormonal changes. With intense pain, there is a threat of miscarriage. These and other complications, including ectopic pregnancy, which is detected at an earlier stage, arise under the influence of genetic abnormalities, bad habits, bacterial and viral infections, excessive physical exertion, as well as taking certain medications.

How the fetus develops

With each week, the embryo begins to acquire more and more noticeable human features, and it is at the eighth week of pregnancy that the formed four-chambered heart begins to function actively. The first convolutions appear on the cerebral hemispheres, while the limbs are in no hurry to lengthen, and there are still membranes on the toes. The elbow, shoulder and wrist structures have already formed, and the baby can bend and unbend his arms. The stomach is formed and strengthened in the abdominal cavity.

Wrinkles appear on the sides of the baby's head, indicating the places of the future formation of the ears. The inner ear is actively developing, the tongue is formed in the oral cavity, and the first taste buds are formed on it. The outlines of the lips, nose and chin are more and more clearly visible on the face. Tiny nostrils are already visible, inside of which olfactory receptors mature. The eyes still resemble black grains. Soon their color will be determined under the influence of a special pigment.

The formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics begins - the testes in boys and the ovaries in girls. Full-fledged external genitals will appear a little later. The development of bones and cartilage is in full swing, which will continue after the birth of the child, ending by about 25 years of age.

Surveys and recommendations

At the 8th week, a period of thorough examination of the expectant mother and her baby is already in full swing. This is necessary in order to detect and quickly solve possible problems in time, avoiding complications. First of all, urine and blood tests, a smear from the vagina are taken. They determine the general condition of the body, blood group and Rh factor, the presence or absence of genital infections. Ultrasound at this stage is not yet necessary: only after a few weeks this procedure will be able to show the full picture in the mother's abdomen and even tell the sex of the unborn child.

The gynecologist measures the volume of the pelvis, the height and weight of a pregnant woman, giving a preliminary conclusion about the state of her health, as well as the future baby. In addition, the mother is given referrals to visit other specialists - a therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist and venereologist. Such examinations are necessary to reveal hidden diseases, as well as to determine the woman's disposition to some of them. For example, existing periodontal disease can worsen significantly during pregnancy, and low vision and high intraocular pressure are some of the indications for giving birth by caesarean section.

It is very important to identify a possible Rh-conflict in a timely manner. A different Rh factor in future parents can adversely affect the health of the baby due to the formation of special antibodies in his body. In addition, doctors conduct a survey of a woman, finding out in what conditions she lives and works. If necessary, a recommendation is issued for transfer to another, less dangerous and difficult position or place of work. Sick people living with the mother-to-be should be a serious cause for concern. They need to undergo fluorography and collect certificates of the latest examinations.

Sexual life at this stage can still remain quite active, it is only important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and not violate the prescribed regimen. The same goes for sports activities. In the near future, the expectant mother may face increased heartburn and simply indigestion. It is worth more actively lean on cereals and dairy products, take vitamins A, B, C, folic acid and iron. Sweets, flour, fried and salty foods should be gradually eliminated from the diet. It is better to get out of the habit of these products and dishes in advance, since very soon they will have to be abandoned completely.
