4th Week Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

4th Week Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
4th Week Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

Feelings of a woman at the 4th week of pregnancy, when the fact of conception has not yet been confirmed, the belly is not yet visible, can be mistaken for manifestations of diseases, physical and emotional fatigue.

4 weeks pregnant
4 weeks pregnant

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, most women already guess or are sure that conception has occurred, begin to feel unusual symptoms, but few people know how significant this period is. The initial formation of the fetus takes place, the structure of the main, vital organs, bone and nervous systems is laid. The health of the baby, the psychological characteristics of his character, and even how successful he will be in life, and how easy it will be for him to adapt in the social environment, depends on how responsible the expectant mother will be.

Development and size of the embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

4th week of pregnancy is special. Often mothers, not yet knowing about conception, mistakenly take new sensations for the harbingers of menstruation, overwork, and even for the first symptoms of a cold or viral disease. In fact, a new life arises inside them, stage by stage an embryo is formed.

A child at this time is one cell with a complex structure, ranging in size from 0.35 to 1 mm. The structure of the cell body is similar to a flat disc, a cake of three layers, each of which is responsible for the formation of certain parts of the body and internal organs. They're called

Endoderm, Mesoderm, · Ectoderm.

The endoderm is responsible for the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and pancreas. From the structure of the mesoderm, muscles and skeleton, kidneys, and the entire cardiovascular system of the baby will gradually form. From the ectoderm, nature creates the skin and mucous membranes, the nervous system, hair and the base of the teeth, eyes. The state of the mother's body and her behavior determines how accurately and correctly all three layers of the disc-cell will work, and how healthy and complete her child will be.

It is after the end of 4 weeks of pregnancy that the initial and most important stage in the development of the child ends - the embryonic one. At the beginning of the 5th week, with the help of special medical devices, you can hear a weak heartbeat, and in the mother's body, the main hormonal changes begin, the first external factors appear, confirming pregnancy. If in the first weeks after conception the body of a pregnant woman was prepared correctly, then the development of the fetus will be correct.

Miracle of nature - extraembryonic organs

At the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo is surrounded by three extraembryonic (provisional) organs at once, acting as protectors and suppliers of nutrients. It is interesting and surprising that male genes are involved in their formation, that is, the dad also takes part in the development of the baby, already at this stage, in fact, he protects, feeds him and ensures his breathing. The extraembryonic organs include everything that surrounds the embryo:

Amniotic membrane (amnion), Yolk sac, · Primary placenta (chorion).

Together with the embryo, at this time they weigh no more than 1-2 grams.

The yolk sac is formed as early as 15 days after conception. It generates a supply of nutrition for the embryo, the first blood capillaries appear, and the production of proteins, the main source of the embryo's growth, begins. Embryologists call this extraembryonic organ the primary liver.

The amnion will become a fetal bladder, consisting of two types of tissue - connective and epithelial. He will be responsible for the secretion of amniotic fluid and the elimination of half-life products. And this is very important, since the baby is already at the 4th week of pregnancy, and his body, although not yet fully formed, is actively functioning.

The placenta will grow from the chorion. It is this extraembryonic organ, and already in the early stages of its formation, that secretes a hormone into the urine that helps to determine pregnancy. Its functionality is determined throughout the entire period by laboratory analyzes of the biomaterial of the expectant mother.

Internal feelings and external changes in mom at 4 weeks

External changes and internal sensations of each woman at the 4th week of pregnancy are individual. Many expectant mothers know about conception long before it is confirmed, on an intuitive level. But there are also a number of external changes characteristic of this period:

Slight increase in breast size, Gain in body weight, · Changes in the skin, for example - the appearance of acne.

Internal sensations are much brighter at 4 weeks of pregnancy, and not always pleasant. It is at this time that the first signs of toxicosis appear - nausea, a change in taste preferences, an exacerbation of smell. A woman does not leave a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, she can become irritable and start making a row, not realizing that she is annoyed.

The fact that it is at this time that the embryo is tightly attached to the wall of the uterus can provoke a slight rise in body temperature and the appearance of vaginal discharge with blood particles. Often these symptoms are confused with the onset of menstruation, while continuing to lead a normal life. Therefore, if a pregnancy was planned, and there is no abundant bleeding, you should see a gynecologist or use an express test to determine pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, some women have a dramatic change in their taste preferences, since the body already chooses those foods that contain a high content of substances necessary for the normal development of the embryo and extraembryonic organs. Preferences are individual, but most often expectant mothers notice unexpected interest in

Salted fish, meat, Pickled or pickled vegetables, · Sweets - baked goods, chocolate, candied fruits.

It is impossible to abuse such products, as their excessive consumption can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder. In addition, serious food loads can harm the child, create a stressful situation against the background of the formation of amniotic tissues.

How to find out about pregnancy at 4 weeks

4 weeks is a very early pregnancy. At this stage, many women do not know about conception, even if it is planned and desired. There are several ways to find out about early pregnancy:

Medical test, Ultrasound diagnostics, · Laboratory analysis of urine.

The first and last methods are based on one principle - determining the level of hCG in a woman's urine. HCG is a hormone produced by the primary placenta during its formation. Its level in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman is always high.

Ultrasound diagnostics gives a more complete picture. In the course of the study, it is possible to determine not only the very presence of the fetal sac in the uterus, but also its location. In addition, modern ultrasound devices allow examining and assessing the condition of the tissues of the embryo and extraembryonic organs. The embryo itself at this time looks like a small black dot without enlargement, but the yolk sac, the primary placenta are well viewed, and such a diagnosis can confirm pregnancy even without special settings of the device.

It is important to understand the importance of the first weeks of pregnancy in the development of the embryo. Already at the stage of preparation for conception, you need to give up bad habits, adhere to a healthy diet. Only in this case, you can avoid complex toxicosis at 4 weeks, and be sure that the baby will develop correctly, will be born healthy.
