Defining love is difficult. To do this, you need to seriously understand yourself, understand how you feel and draw the right conclusions from your research. There are several ways to help you figure out whether you love or not.

- Paper
- Pen
- Friends consultation
Step 1
To define love, first make it clear to yourself what you mean by it. Write down all your thoughts about what love is, and choose the most capacious and accurate.
Step 2
Remember the differences between love, falling in love, and passion. Passion is a temporary sexual attraction, falling in love refers to the initial stage of a relationship, when you go crazy with a person, but this feeling usually fades away quickly.
Step 3
Ask your friends how they define love and find out that they are in love with someone.
Step 4
Write down all your feelings about your loved one, about whom you want to find out if you really love him. For example, you enjoy spending time with him, you are interested in him, you feel safe, you trust him, etc.
Step 5
Think about whether you treat each other well? For example, how effectively do you communicate, how do you resolve conflicts, how do you transfer shortcomings to each other, do you feel like yourself next to this person? After all, love is not when you are delighted with a particular part of your partner's body or with one of his character traits. The fact that you accept your partner completely and completely, with all the flaws and shortcomings, will help to accurately diagnose love.