For the harmonious development of a child, it is necessary to instill in him a love of reading. It is important to explain to him that reading a book will reveal a lot of useful things and tell about amazing things, it can be an interesting journey into the world of a fairy tale or the study of animal life.

It is necessary
- - bright, interesting books for the first independent reading;
- - a selection of books by age and different topics;
- - bookshelves for children's books.
Step 1
To instill in your child a love of reading books, it is important to set an example for him. A child is unlikely to fall in love with books if only glossy magazines live in your house, and all evenings and free time are spent in front of the TV or computer. Sometimes arrange family literary evenings, read a book aloud, share your impressions.
Step 2
It is necessary to instill a love of reading books at an early age. Tell your kid stories, poems, sing songs. Give the child books made of cardboard, look at the pictures with the child and comment on them with a short story. A fascinating activity for the kid will be cardboard books with voluminous illustrations that unfold on each page. Let the kid understand that the book is a fascinating journey into the world of fairy tales.
Step 3
The first books for self-reading should be with bright illustrations, a convenient font size, an interesting plot and small in volume. The book should captivate and interest the child.
Step 4
Help your child choose books. Select literature according to the age of the child. You should not get ahead of yourself and offer children complex literature designed for older age. It may turn out to be too difficult to understand or boring, and the child will lose the desire to read.
Step 5
When choosing books for a child, try not to get hung up on one topic. Books should be different - fairy tales, adventures, stories about animals. Giving your child the right to choose, gently invite him to read other literature.
Step 6
Start your child's own book corner. This could be one or more shelves in your large bookcase. Shelves for children's books should be located at the level of the child's growth, so that he can get the book himself at any time and read it.
Step 7
If your child doesn't want to read on their own, try to get them interested. Take a book and start reading it out loud. Stop at the most interesting moment and tell the child that if he wants to know what happened next, let him read it himself. The child interested in the development of the plot will continue reading on their own.
Step 8
Talk to your child about the book you have read. Have him briefly describe the content or highlights. Discuss the main characters, their behavior, draw conclusions about what you read. Such discussions are very useful for the development of the child's speech, the ability to highlight the main thing and express their thoughts, make their own conclusions.