Books and reading will develop many abilities in your little one faster and more comprehensively. It's one thing if a child doesn't show interest in books at the age of one or two. But how to awaken the desire of a kid to read when he is older? Psychologists, together with experienced mothers, have identified a number of methods to help bring the child and books closer together.

Step 1
In the house, put children's books in various places that are visible to the child and within the reach of his growth.
Step 2
Read to your child in the evening and before bed. Ask to retell what you read. It will not be superfluous for the child to modify the story or come up with a sequel. Try asking your child to speak to an audience: grandmothers, relatives, guests.
Step 3
Get your family together and take turns reading, passing the book around. Children quickly become involved in collective activities, and do not be surprised if the toddler grabs the book without waiting for his turn.
Step 4
It is very good with books to consolidate what the child already knows and saw. For example, you were at a cat show. It's time to read stories about cats and their representatives.
Step 5
When reading books to your child, have a conversation with him. Ask questions, for example, did this or that fairytale hero act badly or well. Or what would a child do in the place of a prince or princess? Show illustrations in books for episodes from stories. Have the child share their opinion by looking at the picture.
Step 6
If your cub is already reading a little on its own, try to set the reading mode so that it happens regularly and at certain times. Ask your child to become a listener. The main thing is not to strain the child if he suddenly stopped reading and ran to his toys.
Step 7
If the child has chosen the position of the listener and does not want to start reading in any way, then while reading the story, stop abruptly, but close the book so that the little stubborn person sees where you slammed it. Perhaps natural curiosity will win, and the baby will continue reading from where you left off.
Step 8
Subscribe to children's interesting magazines. After you have read the entire magazine to your child, the child will look at the pictures again and will probably start reading what has been written.
Step 9
It can be a good trick to combine a visual book with an audio recording. Turn on the recording and take out the book, have the child listen to a fairy tale or story, following the text along the lines of the book.
Step 10
Role division stimulates reading well. Give everyone the roles: yourself, dad, grandmother and baby. Pick up a fairy tale where there are several characters among the heroes and there are dialogues. Such reading can engage the child in the process and push him to start reading.