Until a certain point, parents rarely pay much attention to the issue of the child's love of reading. With the beginning of school life, this question arises before parents who are not ready for this. Someone writes off the dislike for books and reading on the modern world, in which there are many electronic gadgets. Someone writes off everything on the restlessness or excessive curiosity of the child.

At school, the child begins to actively use books. These are textbooks with numerous tasks and tasks. And fiction. And here sometimes it turns out that the child does not want to read, does not like, refuses.
Before dealing with this, you need to analyze where this problem came from. You should look at yourself first. The child's love for reading is directly proportional to this love of the parents. If parents regularly spend a certain amount of time with a book in their hand, then this cannot but interest the child.
First, you need to start reading to your parents. You can re-read the classics or follow the latest literature. You can read books related to the parent's work or hobby. The most important thing is that the child sees the parents reading.
Second: you need to monitor the availability of books in the house. Where does the love of reading come from in a house in which there are no books of interest to a child? First, it should be rhymes or fairy tales with many vivid illustrations. And then the books have to grow up with the child. Age-appropriate fiction books should also appear. Children's encyclopedias, for example, can interest the child.
Third, parents should read to their child. From a very young age. It could be reading fairy tales before going to bed. But even during the day, you do not need to refuse the child if he asks to read him a book.
Well, everything you read just needs to be discussed. So you can track whether the child has read the book, or check the reading attentiveness. But in no case should you make a check out of this, a kind of exam. It is more correct to ask the child's opinion. Ask what was most memorable, liked it or vice versa. How does he relate to the heroes of the story, to their actions. This approach will teach the child to listen and read more attentively, analyze, express his own opinion. The ability to distinguish the main thing from a voluminous text is also important. This will be very useful for the child in the future life.
If such conditions surround a child from the first years of life, then respect for literature and a love of reading books will surely grow in him.