How To Put A Child On A Potty

How To Put A Child On A Potty
How To Put A Child On A Potty

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Gone are the days when it was believed that the sooner the baby switches to 3 meals a day and learns to use the pot, the more independent he will be and the better his mother. Currently, there are no problems with washing and drying clothes, in addition, diapers have made life much easier for parents. It is believed that it is more expedient to start potty training at the age of 18-24 months, when the nerves and muscles responsible for controlling the excretory system of the body are most developed.

How to put a child on a potty
How to put a child on a potty


great patience, free time, creativity and a sense of humor


Step 1

The most important moment in teaching a baby to go to the potty is the development and consolidation of a conditioned reflex "to relieve himself" in a certain place. This cannot be achieved by force, so be patient and prepare the child gradually.

Step 2

Try to change your dirty and wet pants and diapers as soon as possible. When the child can already perceive your explanations, convince him that it is very pleasant to walk clean and dry. It has been noticed that children who are accustomed to cleanliness learn the pot faster.

Step 3

Watch your baby closely. Try to study the urge to send needs: the baby calms down, becomes focused, squats, “looking for a place” like a domestic cat, trying to go around the corner of the sofa, crosses his legs. All these signs will tell you that the baby is old enough to learn how to respond to the processes taking place inside his body. Your task is to keep track of and react quickly.

Step 4

The following points will also help to understand the baby's readiness for learning: the baby understands and performs simple tasks ("go get a ball"), can report that he is hungry or thirsty, takes off his dirty pants or diapers, or somehow informs you, that they are stained.

Step 5

As you begin teaching, pay attention to your child's behavior. If he starts screaming and resisting when trying to put him on the pot, postpone the training for about a month, every day informing the baby that after some time (name the number of days) he will already grow up and will be able to use the pot.

Step 6

Determine your readiness. The process of potty training is quite lengthy and laborious. It will take a lot of patience, free time, creativity and a sense of humor.

Step 7

Many mothers are helped by a strict daily regimen and writing in a notebook about the time when the baby has excretory processes in the body. This makes it easier to navigate at what moment you need to put the child on the potty.

Step 8

Train your toddler to tell you when he wants to potty. Repeat tirelessly the phrase: “Do you want a pot? Tell your mom! Develop conditional codes, such as pee-pee and ka-ka, that can be easily pronounced to help your baby communicate his needs more quickly.

Step 9

Try for the child to understand what is required of him, to feel the relationship between the beginning of the urge, taking off the pants, putting on the potty and sending his needs to it. This is the development of a conditioned reflex.

Step 10

If "everything happened" in pants or diapers, take the child to the room where the pot is, shake out the contents of the panties and explain that "it should be in the pot." Visibility and participation in the process will help the baby quickly understand what is wanted from him.

Step 11

In no case do not scold or beat the baby if he did not have time, did not tell you, or forgot to go to the potty. It will be enough to reproachfully say "Ay-yay-yay" and shake your head. Be patient. Remember that sooner or later he will learn to do this, because you have not seen a schoolboy walking in a diaper.
